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Showing 701-800 of 3,180 items.
#CodeNameUGGRADCSubjectSubject CodeAcademic DepartmentStatus 
701CHEM311LOrganic Chemistry I Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (1975 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
702CHEM312Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312 is the second portion of a two-semester course designed to provide the student with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of organic chemistry and the behavior of organic molecules. The main topics covered are UV-Vis and mass spectrometry; aromatic compounds and their substitution reactions; additions to and substitutions at the carbonyl functionality; enolates and other carbon nucleophiles; chemistry of organic radicals; pericyclic reactions; and carbohydrates and amino acids. The laboratory portion of the course provides practical experience in the application of this knowledge and develops the basic laboratory techniques essential for the synthesis and purification of organic compounds. Three hours of lecture, one hour of recitation, and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
703CHEM312Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312 is the second portion of a two-semester course designed to provide the student with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of organic chemistry and the behavior of organic molecules. The main topics covered are UV-Vis and mass spectrometry; aromatic compounds and their substitution reactions; additions to and substitutions at the carbonyl functionality; enolates and other carbon nucleophiles; chemistry of organic radicals; pericyclic reactions; and carbohydrates and amino acids. The laboratory portion of the course provides practical experience in the application of this knowledge and develops the basic laboratory techniques essential for the synthesis and purification of organic compounds. Three hours of lecture, one hour of recitation, and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
704CHEM312LOrganic Chemistry II Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (1975 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
705CHEM315Quantitative Analysis
A study of equilibria as it applies to analytical chemistry. Techniques of determinations, sampling, handling of data, and the detailed chemistry involved are studied in terms of quantitative determinations. Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
706CHEM315LQuantitative Analysis Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (1975 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
707CHEM321Instrumental Analysis
A study of the theories, techniques, and instruments involved in spectrometry, chromatography, and electrochemistry. Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
708CHEM321LInstrumental Analysis Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (1975 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
709CHEM361Biochemistry I
A study of the basic principles of the chemistry of living organisms. Topics presented include the structure, properties, and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins; an introduction to bioenergetics; enzyme kinetics and mechanisms; and carbohydrate, lipid, and energy metabolism. Four hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2013 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
710CHEM361Biochemistry I
A study of the basic principles of the chemistry of living organisms. Topics presented include the structure, properties, and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins; an introduction to bioenergetics; enzyme kinetics and mechanisms; and carbohydrate, lipid, and energy metabolism. Four hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
711CHEM362Biochemistry II
A continued study of the basic principles of the chemistry of living organisms. Topics presented include photosynthesis, protein and nucleic acid metabolism, and information pathways. Three hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2013 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
712CHEM362Biochemistry II
A continued study of the basic principles of the chemistry of living organisms. Topics presented include photosynthesis, protein and nucleic acid metabolism, and information pathways. Three hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
713CHEM363Biochemistry Laboratory
An introduction to the fundamental techniques used in the study of biochemical systems, including the separation and analysis of biological molecules, enzyme kinetics, and metabolism studies. Requires computer data analysis. Four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
714CHEM363Biochemistry Laboratory
An introduction to the fundamental techniques used in the study of biochemical systems, including the separation and analysis of biological molecules, enzyme kinetics, and metabolism studies. Requires computer data analysis. Four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2013 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
715CHEM363Biochemistry Laboratory
An introduction to the fundamental techniques used in the study of biochemical systems, including the separation and analysis of biological molecules, enzyme kinetics, and metabolism studies. Requires computer data analysis. Four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
716CHEM385Chemistry Seminar
An introduction to the use of chemical literature as a source of information and the techniques involved in making scientific presentations. Oral and written presentations are made on specific topics in chemistry. These presentations must utilize Power Point and word processing skills. It is recommended that this course be taken in the junior year, prior to taking CHEM 496.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
717CHEM411Physical Chemistry I (W)
A study of the fundamental concepts of chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, properties of pure substances and mixtures, phase changes, kinetic theory, reaction kinetics, and dynamics. May also include an introduction to quantum mechanics. Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
718CHEM411Physical Chemistry I (W)
A study of the fundamental concepts of chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, properties of pure substances and mixtures, phase changes, kinetic theory, reaction kinetics, and dynamics. May also include an introduction to quantum mechanics. Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
719CHEM411LPhysical Chemistry I Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (1975 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
720CHEM415Physical Chemistry II
A study of quantum chemistry. Areas to be studied include: wave mechanics, boundary problems, the Schroedinger equation and its solution for one electron atoms and extension to multi-electron systems, chemical bonding, and atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Three hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2003 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
721CHEM425Advanced Organic Chemistry
This course offers a more in-depth study of topics in organic chemistry. The student will learn name reactions used in organic research, demonstrate excellence in proposing reaction mechanisms, design synthetic routes for target organic compounds; apply knowledge or organic chemistry to real life situations, learn to do literature searches; and use critical thinking skills to solve problems independently.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1992 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
722CHEM435Inorganic Chemistry
A study of structures and chemical properties of inorganic compounds. Particular focus is placed on the description of chemical bonds between elements, the effects of bond properties on the structures, reactivity, and characterization of these compounds, and the periodic trends observed in the properties of the elements.Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
723CHEM435Inorganic Chemistry
A study of structures and chemical properties of inorganic compounds. Particular focus is placed on the description of chemical bonds between elements, the effects of bond properties on the structures, reactivity, and characterization of these compounds, and the periodic trends observed in the properties of the elements.Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
724CHEM435LInorganic Chemistry Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2004 — Indefinite)    
Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
725CHEM465Topics in Chemistry
Selected topics presented in a formal classroom setting in specialty areas of chemistry not covered in regular courses. May be repeated for credit for different topics.

Credits: 1 - 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2001 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
726CHEM495Directed Study
See CHEM 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
727CHEM495Independent Study
A course emphasizing individual study by a student who wishes to explore an area of chemistry not listed in the regular course offerings.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
728CHEM496Introduction to Research (W)
An introduction to the design, conduct, and publication of research in chemistry under the direction of chemistry faculty. Topics covered include literature searches, identification of suitable research topics, experimental design, working as part of a research group, the formal, professional presentation and publication of research results. One hour of lecture each week.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
729CHEM498Research in Chemistry
Individual or group research under the direction of the chemistry faculty. Four hours of laboratory each week for each hour of credit. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of two credits.

Credits: 1 - 2, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
730CHEM498Research in Chemistry
Individual or group research under the direction of the chemistry faculty. Four hours of laboratory each week for each hour of credit. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of two credits.

Credits: 1 - 2, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Chemistry (CHEM)CHEMChemistryActive
731COMM103Introduction to Mass Communication
Overview of the development and characteristics of mass media, with emphasis on media in the United States including newspapers, radio, television, photography, film, sound recording, books, magazines, advertising, public relations, and social media. Attention is given to theories of communication and how to be a critical and discriminating consumer of mass media.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1999 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
732COMM135Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking contexts.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
733COMM135Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking contexts.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1996 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
734COMM135Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking contexts.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
735COMM145H:Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course is required for Southern Scholars. It is a more rigorous version of COMM 135, emphasizing rhetorical theory and implications of communicative practices. Like COMM 135, this course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
736COMM145H:Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course is required for Southern Scholars. It is a more rigorous version of COMM 135, emphasizing rhetorical theory and implications of communicative practices. Like COMM 135, this course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
737COMM145H:Communication and Public Speaking (IN-3)
This course is required for Southern Scholars. It is a more rigorous version of COMM 135, emphasizing rhetorical theory and implications of communicative practices. Like COMM 135, this course introduces students to the ways communication affects and relates to our everyday lives. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in preparing, presenting, and critically consuming messages in one-on-one, small group, and public speaking

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
738COMM200Christian Service in Journalism and Communication (SERV-2)
This course provides students the option to complete a service project coordinating through the School of Journalism and Communication.

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
739COMM201Communication Major Qualification
This pass-fail class assesses a student's readiness to gain acceptance as major in the School of Journalism and Communication and will normally be taken during the first semester of the sophomore year. Requirements include meeting with the student's adviser, presenting letter of intent (including purpose/calling) after having completed COMM 135, ENGL 101, and JOUR 105, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 in these three courses. To pursue a major in the SJC, a student must first receive a Pass in this course.

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
740COMM210Comm Convention/Study Tour
Students attend a conference or participate in a study tour designed to enrich their educational experience and promote effectiveness and job preparedness within their field of study. Requirements include attendance and maintaining a log of resulting reflections/learning experiences. Lab fees based on destination.

Credits: 0 - 6, Lab Fee 31 ($2000), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
741COMM230Introduction to Acting
This introductory level course is designed to present fundamental acting techniques to students unfamiliar with the theater. In addition, the student will gain a better understanding of theater as an art form, as well as learn the basic vocabulary specific to theater and acting.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
742COMM230Introduction to Acting
This introductory level course is designed to present fundamental acting techniques to students unfamiliar with the theater. In addition, the student will gain a better understanding of theater as an art form, as well as learn the basic vocabulary specific to theater and acting.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2003 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
743COMM240Communication Theory
This course offers the conceptual foundation for studying human communication. It offers a survey of the major theories of communication and rhetoric.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2010 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
744COMM242Introduction to Web Design
This course introduces the student to Web design and content creation in both theory and technique. Students will learn how to use this medium effectively as well as learn how it differs from other more traditional media. In addition to learning basic design elements and Web writing, students will be introduced to HTML and CSS Web page creation utilizing industry standard design and coding tools.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 08 ($150), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2019 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Selected topics in speech and related areas presented in a classroom setting. Subjects covered will determine general education credit status. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
746COMM291Communication Practicum
Supervised work experience in communication. At least 90 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit. Work experience may be completed in the United States or overseas. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
747COMM291Communication Practicum
Supervised work experience in communication. At least 50 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit (0 credit clock hours determined by supervisor and specified in the contract for a P/F grade outcome). Work experience may be completed in the United States or overseas. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
748COMM295Directed Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of communication. Directed study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
749COMM295Independent Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of communication. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
750COMM300Christian Service in Journalism and Communication (SERV-2)
This course provides students the option to complete a service project coordinating through the School of Journalism and Communication or in partial fulfillment of an upper division.

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
751COMM312Professional Communication and Leadership
This course develops proficiency in written and oral communication that creates clear understanding in professional contexts with attention to developing and delivering strong presentations; the theory and practice of group dynamics and processes and effective leadership skills. This course is cross-listed with BUAD 312. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
752COMM326Film Evaluation (IN-10) (W)
The primary goal of this class is to help each student develop a set of criteria for critically evaluating films. Besides regular assigned reading, class activities include discussion of the contributions films make to our culture, studying how films are made, and how to write about films. Films are screened as a part of the class and weekly evaluation papers based on the screened film are expected.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (1997 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
753COMM330Intercultural Communication (W)
This course deals with communication and culture as they relate to perception and values, language, nonverbal communication, ethics, intercultural relationships, as well as sociocultural, psychocultural, and environmental influences on the processes of communication.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2000 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
754COMM331Intercultural Communication
This course deals with communication and culture as they relate to perception and values, language, nonverbal communication, ethics, intercultural relationships, as well as sociocultural, psychocultural, and environmental influences on the processes of communication.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
755COMM336Interpersonal Communication
Introduces students to the theory, research, and practice of communication in personal relationships. Topics include listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, emotions, conflict management, and the development and maintenance of effective personal relationships. This course utilizes readings and out-of-class activities to help students understand and apply interpersonal communication principles.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2003 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
756COMM340Group Dynamics and Leadership
This course explores the dynamics of small group interaction and promotes cooperation rather than competition in the decision-making process. Students will gain an understanding of different communication and leadership styles, discuss gender issues, learn how to direct and motivate others, and productively manage conflict. This class is taught using lecture and hands-on application of concepts.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2010 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
757COMM340Group Dynamics and Leadership
This course explores the dynamics of small group interaction and promotes cooperation rather than competition in the decision-making process. Students will gain an understanding of different communication and leadership styles, discuss gender issues, learn how to direct and motivate others, and productively manage conflict. This class is taught using lecture and hands-on application of concepts.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 02 ($15), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
758COMM391Communication Practicum
Supervised work experience in communication. At least 50 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit (0 credit clock hours determined by supervisor and specified in the contract for a P/F grade outcome). Work experience may be completed in the United States or overseas. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
759COMM397Communication Research (W)
Introduces students to scientific inquiry and the basic research techniques of advertising, communication, journalism, and public relations. Uses interdisciplinary approach to explain quantitative and qualitive research methodology and to evaluate different research designs. Emphasizes the importance of the development and exchange of scholarly information as students conduct primary research. This class should be completed before taking 400 level classes in the School of Journalism and Communication. This course is cross-listed with BUAD 497. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2001 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
760COMM406Persuasion and Propaganda (W)
This course focuses on the historical origin and contemporary uses of persuasion and propaganda, the concept of public opinion, motivational tools and techniques to achieve public response, characteristics of publics, and how publics are influenced. We will examine artifacts of popular culture, politics, advertising, and mass media through the lens of persuasion and propaganda theories.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2001 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
761COMM415Portfolio and Career
A capstone course emphasizing professional skills, ethics, portfolios, career planning and graduate school exploration. Specific attention given to resume preparation, creation of a digital portfolio, interviewing and job search skills.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2012 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
762COMM415Portfolio and Career
A capstone course emphasizing professional skills, ethics, portfolios, career planning and graduate school exploration. Specific attention given to resume preparation, creation of a digital portfolio, interviewing and job search skills.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
763COMM420Professional and Technical Writing
This course teaches students to design and produce documents that communicate professional and technical information effectively and efficiently. The course emphasizes the clarity, accuracy, and precision demanded by writing in various workplace genres. Students write documentation like memos, reports, definitions, procedures, and explanations. Students learn to analyze audience needs and modify their communications accordingly.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2015 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
764COMM427Mass Media Law and Ethics
This course provides an overview of the U.S. legal system, the press as The Fourth Estate, and The First Amendment's role in American law. The class focuses on issues, both legal and ethical, currently faced by communication professionals. Topics studied in the class include freedom of the press, the American legal system, defamation, invasion of privacy, information gathering, records and open meetings, free press and fair trial, obscenity, copyright, advertising and media regulation. The class will discuss issues affecting Seventh-day Adventists, such as intellectual property, church identity, and the church's stance on Separation of Church and State. Students present legal cases, write legal briefs, and conduct legal research, culminating in a final paper and presentation at the end of the class.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2019 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
See COMM 265 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1997 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
766COMM488Mass Communication and Society (W)
This course provides for informed student participation in the examination of the role and function of the mass media system in the United States. Among the topics considered are: the concept of social responsibility as a constraint upon the media; and ethical, social, economic and political issues involved in the function of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, new media advertising, and public relations. Emphasis on reading, writing media critiques, and on analysis of concepts and ideas.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2019 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
767COMM492Communication Internship
Students work off-campus in a professionally supervised role in the field of communication to obtain on-the-job experience during the school year or during the summer. For each hour of academic credit, 100 clock hours of work experience are required. Detailed procedures and guidelines are available from the School.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2014 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
768COMM495Directed Study
See COMM 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1999 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
769COMM495Independent Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of communication. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
770COMM497Advanced Communication Research
This course guides students through the process of applying principles of research, data collection, and data analysis leading to the completion of an original research project and development of a scholarly paper toward the goal of publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Communication (COMM)COMMSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
771COOP265Cooperative Education
This course allows students to receive credit for work experience. The assignments must be a specific program designed as an internship with an agreed upon description of the type of work, arrangements for supervision, and methods of evaluation. One hour of credit requires a minimum of 50 work hours. A maximum of six credit hours of cooperative education may be applied to a degree.

Credits: 1 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1991 — Indefinite)    
✔️Cooperative Education (COOP)COOPInterdepartmental ProgramsActive
772COOP465Cooperative Education
This course allows students to receive credit for work experience. The assignments must be a specific program designed as an internship with an agreed upon description of the type of work, arrangements for supervision, and methods of evaluation. One hour of credit requires a minimum of 50 work hours. A maximum of six credit hours of cooperative education may be applied to a degree.

Credits: 1 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1990 — Indefinite)    
✔️Cooperative Education (COOP)COOPInterdepartmental ProgramsActive
773COUN501Orientation for Job-Embedded School Counselors
This survey course is designed to provide job-embedded school counseling candidates a generalized pre-service professional orientation. With attention given to the practical application of school counseling knowledge and skills, the course provides an overview of the school setting, the various roles of professional school counselors, ethics of school counseling, school counseling interventions, school counselor professional identity, current trends in school counseling, and other topics as appropriate.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: (2024 — Indefinite)    

Proposal — Workflow Step: Graduate Studies Approval 1A, Graduate Studies
Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingReview
774COUN503Foundations of School Counseling
Provides a background for understanding the school setting and how the diverse roles of the professional school counselor fit together in a comprehensive manner. History, philosophy, ethical and legal considerations, modes of intervention (e.g., individual student planning, responsive services, guidance program management), school counselor professional identity, and current trends in school counseling are studied. For Winter enrollees, the required TN Bureau of Investigations fingerprinted background check should be completed in this course.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
775COUN507Sexuality: Issues in Counseling
Provides foundation of knowledge concerning basic human sexual functioning, knowledge of sexual diseases, awareness of sexual variance, knowledge of sexual dysfunction and an understanding of basic treatment techniques.

Credits: 2 - 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2010 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
776COUN510Advanced Lifespan Development
Issues in development throughout the life cycle are studied. The impact of early physical, cognitive, and psychological developmental issues and the effects of significant periods of life change are considered. Theories of individual and family development are studied, as well as counseling interventions appropriate to facilitate optimal development and wellness.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
777COUN514Drugs and Addictions
A comprehensive study of drugs and addictions. Particular emphasis will be placed on physiological functions related to the etiology and treatment of addiction in both therapeutic and educational settings, as well as on the Adventist perspective of holistic health.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
778COUN516Career Counseling
Provides understanding of career development theories and decision-making models; career counseling processes; career, vocational, educational, occupational, and labor market information resources; career development; career counseling practices for PreK-12 grade levels; and assessments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision-making in a global economy.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
779COUN521Adult Psychopathology
This course emphasizes diagnostic criteria for the disorders included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-5). Mental disorders are defined and categorized in terms of their manifestations and symptoms. Cultural variations in symptoms, gender and age-related features of the disorders, and empirically-based treatments currently available are also considered.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
780COUN524Professional Counseling I
Students in this course engage in in-depth examination of their reasons for wanting to become mental health professionals, further define their short- and long-term career goals within the helping professions, and develop a highly personalized career map that guides them through graduate school and beyond. Issues relevant to the practice of professional counseling are studied, such as professional identity; counselor personal characteristics, religious and spiritual values, self-awareness and evaluation, and counselor self-care.

Credits: 2, Lab Fee 06 ($90), Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2017 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
781COUN524Professional Counseling I
A new student orientation is embedded in this course as part of the first-term program experience. Students become familiar with the counseling program student handbook, their professional and ethical obligations, and program expectations for their personal growth as counselors-in-training. Eligibility for future licensure/certification is also reviewed. Students engage in in-depth examination of their reasons for wanting to become mental health professionals, further define their short- and long-term career goals within the helping professions, and develop a highly personalized career map that guides them through graduate school and beyond. Issues relevant to the practice of professional counseling are studied, such as professional identity; counselor personal characteristics and values, self-awareness and evaluation, and counselor self-care.

Credits: 2, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
782COUN525Professional Counseling II
Taken during the last year of the counseling program, this course guides students through the process of preparation for comprehensive and licensing exams, the search for a job or application to doctoral programs, counselor supervision theories and practice, and other issues relevant to practicing in the professional counseling field.

Credits: 1, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2017 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
783COUN525Professional Counseling II
Taken during the last year of the counseling program, this course guides students through the process of preparation for comprehensive and licensing exams, the search for a job or application to doctoral programs, counselor supervision theories and practice, and other issues relevant to practicing in the professional counseling field.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
784COUN528School Counseling Interventions for Exceptional Children
The effects of atypical growth and development, health and wellness, language, ability level, and multicultural issues, as well as factors of resiliency on student learning are studied. Strategies and intervention plans based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) model to address the personal, social, and academic functioning of PreK-12 students are studied. The importance of school counselors following the ASCA model when dealing with student exceptionalities is stressed.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
785COUN530Assessment and Appraisal
Provides an understanding of the theoretical principles and practical applications of standardized instruments used in counseling. This course covers the ethical selection, administration, interpretation and reporting of the results of appropriate instruments of counseling assessment used in clinical mental health settings and PreK-12 schools as it applies to Master's-level professional counselors.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
786COUN530Assessment and Appraisal
Provides an understanding of the theoretical principles and practical applications of standardized instruments used in counseling. This course covers the ethical selection, administration, interpretation and reporting of the results of appropriate instruments of counseling assessment used in clinical mental health settings and PreK-12 schools as it applies to Master's-level professional counselors.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
787COUN537Ethics and Legal Aspects of Counseling
Analyzes counseling ethics and legal factors related to the counseling profession. Attention is given to the unique codes of conduct for both school and clinical mental health counseling. Real case studies are explored.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
788COUN538Legal Aspects of Education for School Counselors
Legal issues affecting school counselors in P-12 educational settings are covered. Students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to implement federal and state legal mandates surrounding the school counseling profession. Topics studied include but are not limited to confidentiality, privileged communication, accountability through documentation, danger to self and others, child abuse and neglect, response to student mental health issues, management of student behavior in and out-of-the classroom, implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 issues, and Title II rights of IDEA-eligible students with disabilities.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
789COUN540Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Principles and challenges of practicing in clinical mental health counseling settings are explored. Students become familiar with the history, philosophy, and trends in clinical mental health counseling; the role and training of counselors in clinical settings; modes of intervention (e.g., direct service, consultation, and advocacy); and range of mental health service delivery, such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment, and aftercare. Students also investigate principles and applications of program development, implementation, and evaluation in clinical mental health counseling.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
790COUN542Couple Counseling
This course equips students with a biblical overview of relationships, romance and marriage, as well as providing the necessary counseling knowledge to assist couples in cultivating successful and full relationships. Students are certified to assess couples' relationship issues using the Prepare/Enrich - Couples inventory. Students are required to provide at least 6 clock hours of couples counseling using the Prepare/Enrich inventory.

Credits: 1, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
791COUN542LLab: Couples Counseling
Lab: Couples Counseling

Credits: 0, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: (2020 — Indefinite)    
Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
792COUN543Parenting & Generational Influences
This course examines the psychological and spiritual foundations and strategies for understanding the meaning and significance of generational influence and its impact on the family legacy. Lifestyle and cultural barriers to effective parenting are examined, as well as proactive parenting strategies, sound discipline, and healthy communication patterns. Students are certified to assess parenting issues using the Prepare/Enrich - Parenting inventory.

Credits: 2, Level: Graduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
793COUN553Group Counseling and Procedures
Provides both theoretical and experiential understanding of group purpose, development, dynamics, theories, methods, skills, and other group approaches in a multicultural society. Includes requirements for students to participate as members of a counseling group for a minimum of 10 clock hours over the course of one academic term. Upon completion of this experience, This course includes a lab component that requires students to lead or co-lead a small group activity, approved by the program, for at least 5 clock hours.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
794COUN553LGroup Counseling and Procedures

Credits: 0, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2016 — Indefinite)    
Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
795COUN556Theories and Techniques of Counseling
Provides a comprehensive survey of the major contemporary theories of counseling, as well as their implications for practice. Core topics such as historical context, theoretical principles and techniques, case analysis and treatment planning, cultural and gender considerations, and evidence-based status are examied for each theory. Students are given the opportunity to conceptualize selected case studies, decide on appropriate counseling interventions, and practice techniques that are commonly used in counseling practice. Each theory is evaluated from the Christian perspective and the relevance of such a perspective when choosing personal models is studied.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
796COUN559Crisis Counseling
This course explores foundational principles and applications of crisis intervention, including crisis theories, protocols, and crisis response in community and school settings. Students become familiar with the Incident Command System, National Incident Management System, and the National Response Framework. Students taking the course for three credits will also complete online courses from FEMA and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health concerning Mental Health Preparedness.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
797COUN561Multicultural Issues in Counseling
Study of contemporary issues related to multicultural counseling. Aside from introduction to various cultures and their norms, this course also addresses theories of multicultural counseling and counseling interventions based on these theories as they are applied to various populations. In addition, attention is given to the counselor's role as a liaison or agent of change for the culturally pluralistic society in both school and clinical mental health settings.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
798COUN562Spirituality and Religious Diversity in Counseling
This course provides an understanding of how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully integrated into counseling in a manner that is respectful of client beliefs and practices. It emphasizes the ethical obligation that counselors have to obtain competency in addressing religious and spiritual diversity in counseling, and how they can access the healing resources in religious communities to assist their clients in coping, healing and changing. Issues related to how the counselor's own spiritual development may help or hinder the counseling process are also examined, along with best practices in counseling clients whose faith differs from their own.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
799COUN565Topics in Counseling
Selected topics in counseling chosen from such areas as religion, ethics, child and/or youth counseling, practice of school counseling, etc. This course may be repeated with an appropriate change in topic.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2006 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive
800COUN568Behavioral Health & Wellness Counseling
Students review theoretical and empirical support for an integrated approach to clinical mental health counseling as it has long been advocated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Students become familiar with current techniques for client wellness assessment, case conceptualization, treatment planning, and intervention. Holistic strategies for wellness promotion with mental health clients are considered. Additionally, students learn how to approach collaboration with prescribing professionals in the medical community and how to talk with clients about medication compliance. Basic principles of psychopharmacology as well as commonly prescribed psychotropic medications for adults and children are studied. Psychological, cultural, and social issues related to psychopharmacology are also addressed.

Credits: 2 - 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Counseling (COUN)COUNSchool of Education, Psychology, and CounselingActive