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Showing 1,801-1,900 of 3,180 items.
#CodeNameUGGRADCSubjectSubject CodeAcademic DepartmentStatus 
1801MATH215Statistics (IN-4)
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics including organization and analysis of data, elementary probability, probability distributions (binomial, normal, Student's t, chi-square), estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1802MATH215Statistics (IN-4)
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics including organization and analysis of data, elementary probability, probability distributions (binomial, normal, Student's t, chi-square), estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1803MATH218Calculus III
Partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector calculus including Green's theorem, Stokes's theorem, and the divergence theorem.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1984 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1804MATH219Set Theory and Logic
An introduction to the ideas, terminology, and notation of logic, sets, equivalence relations, and functions. The concept of a mathematical proof will be emphasized.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1805MATH265Topics in Mathematics
Topics selected from areas of mathematics not covered in other courses. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2002 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1806MATH280Discrete Mathematical Structures
An examination of many of the mathematical concepts of particular use to computer scientists. The topics include set theory, relations, graph theory, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, proof techniques, and finite state automata.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1991 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1807MATH280Discrete Mathematical Structures
An examination of many of the mathematical concepts of particular use to computer scientists. The topics include set theory, relations, graph theory, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, proof techniques, and finite state automata.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1808MATH295Directed Study
Individual reading and problem solving in a field chosen in consultation with an instructor. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1980 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1809MATH295Independent Study
Individual reading and problem solving in a field chosen in consultation with an instructor. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1810MATH305Tutoring in Mathematics (SERV-2)
This course is a service learning course designed to help students become effective peer tutors.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2013 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1811MATH305Tutoring in Mathematics (SERV-2)
This course is a service learning course designed to help students become effective peer tutors. May be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1812MATH312History of Mathematics (W)
A survey of the development of classical mathematics from ancient times to calculus, together with selected topics from the history of modern mathematics.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1813MATH315Differential Equations
Introduction to dynamical systems, solutions of various types of ordinary differential equations, systems of linear differential equations, the Laplace transform, applications to problems in the physical sciences.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1814MATH316Partial Differential Equations
Partial differential equations, Fourier series, boundary value problems, Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials. This course is cross-listed with PHYS 316. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1815MATH317Complex Variables
An introduction to the theory of analytic functions of a complex variable, including mappings by elementary functions, complex integration, the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, power series, Laurent series, the theory of residues, and conformal mapping.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1816MATH318Abstract Algebra
The structure of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1817MATH320Numerical Analysis
This course analyzes the basic techniques for the efficient numerical solution of problems in science and engineering. Topics include root finding, interpolation, approximation of functions, integration, differential equations, and direct and iterative methods in Linear Algebra.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1818MATH327Probability and Statistics
A calculus based introduction to basic concepts in probability theory and statistics. Topics include conditional probability and independence; Bayes theorem; discrete and continuous probability distributions for one and for several random variables; expectation and variance; special distributions, including binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions; the central limit theorem. Introduces basic statistical theory, including estimation of parameters, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1819MATH329Actuarial Exam P Preparation
This course prepares students to take Exam P from the Society of Actuaries.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1820MATH410Real Analysis
A study of real numbers, sequences, series, limits of functions, continuity, differentiation, and Riemann integration.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
Topics selected from the following: Euclidean geometry, axiomatic systems and finite geometries, transformational geometry, hyperbolic geometry, projective geometry, other non-Euclidean geometries, applications of geometry.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1822MATH465Topics in Mathematics
See MATH 265 for course description.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1988 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1823MATH485Mathematics Seminar (W)
Written and oral reports are made on a variety of topics in mathematics including topics in current mathematical literature.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1824MATH486Mathematics Seminar II
A continuation of MATH 485 in which a significant research paper will be completed and presented orally.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1825MATH486Mathematics Seminar II (W)
A continuation of MATH 485 in which a significant research paper will be completed and presented orally.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1826MATH490Senior Capstone
Preparation for the Major Field Test taken by senior mathematics majors. Preparation of a portfolio summarizing all MATH courses required for bachelor's degree in mathematics.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2019 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1827MATH495Directed Study
See MATH 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1828MATH495Independent Study
Individual reading and problem solving in a field chosen in consultation with an instructor. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Mathematics (MATH)MATHMathematicsActive
1829MDLG165Topics in Modern Languages
Selected topics in modern languages presented in a classroom setting. Subjects covered will determine how the course applies to the major. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1830MDLG230Critical Methods in Languages
It continues the process of critical analysis through literary readings in translation. It presents students with some of the major trends in twentieth-century literary criticism, including a glimpse of the postcolonial condition and awareness of subaltern studies for development of critical thinking skills. Students will write brief critical responses to reading as a step for oral production and academic dialogue in class. This course is offered in English.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1831MDLG266Topics in Modern Languages
See MDLG 165 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1832MDLG300Christian Service in Modern Languages (SERV-2)
This course offers students the option to complete a service project in a modern language, coordinated through the Department of Modern Languages in partial fulfillment of an upper division course, either as MDLG, or one of our ACA offered and approved language courses with a service-oriented project that fulfills one or two Level II requirements of the Christian Service program.

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1833MDLG350Global Citizenship Seminar I
To provide students the opportunity to acquire global competence and to continue with language acquisition. This seminar is an academic follow-up primarily for ACA students returning from abroad as they readjust to the United States.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1834MDLG350LGlobal Citizenship Seminar I Spanish Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2016 — Indefinite)    
Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1835MDLG450Global Citizenship Seminar II
This seminar will focus on preparing global citizens. It serves students as a deepening of their reflection and a contextualization of their experience abroad.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1836MDLG465Topics in Modern Languages
See MDLG 165 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2015 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1837MDLG490MLD Exit Examination (DEE)
The objective of this course is to assist students in preparing for the Departmental Exit Exam (DEE) as partial fulfillment of the International Studies degree. Students will have the opportunity to maintain and enhance a modern language within the chosen major.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 — Indefinite)    
✔️Modern Language (MDLG)MDLGModern LanguagesActive
1838MDTC050Medical Technology

Credits: 0, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2003 — Indefinite)    
Medical Technology (MDTC)MDTCBiologyActive
1839MGNT250Innovation and Value Creation
The development of an innovation mindset fostering creative thinking skills to recognize opportunity for entrepreneurial ventures or established businesses. Viable value propositions are developed utilizing idea evaluation tools such as needs analysis and market research.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER | VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1840MGNT265Topics in Business
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTBusiness, School ofActive
1841MGNT265Topics in Business
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1842MGNT288Project Management (SERV-2)
Successful project management requires a blend of both technical knowledge and non-technical skills such as effective communication, organization, and leadership. Students will learn techniques and best practices for all phases of the project life cycle: project initiation and scope, stakeholder management, risk management, work breakdown structure, planning, cost analysis, personnel management, team building, scheduling, monitoring and controlling, documentation, project closure, and transition to operations. This course may be repeated for credit. Six hours can be counted toward a business requirement. This course is cross-listed with MGNT 488. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 0 - 3, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1843MGNT291Management Practicum
A practicum consists of supervised volunteer/work experience in related fields of management on a part-time basis. The work may be done at various job sites. A minimum of 50 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1844MGNT295Directed Study
A directed study involves individualized research into a selected topic chosen by the faculty adviser and the student.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1845MGNT295Independent Study
An independent study involves individualized research into a selected topic chosen by the faculty adviser and the student.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1846MGNT334Principles of Management
A study of basic business management including an analysis of business policies viewed from the standpoint of the functional characteristics of the management process and current ethics.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1847MGNT334Principles of Management
A study of basic business management including an analysis of business policies viewed from the standpoint of the functional characteristics of the management process and current ethics.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1848MGNT344Human Resource Management
An introduction to the organization, training, motivation, and direction of employees with a view to maintaining their productivity and morale at high levels. Among topics covered are selection, training, compensation and financial incentives, work standards, techniques of supervision and leadership, and regulatory compliance.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1849MGNT344Human Resource Management
An introduction to the organization, training, motivation, and direction of employees with a view to maintaining their productivity and morale at high levels. Among topics covered are selection, training, compensation and financial incentives, work standards, techniques of supervision and leadership, and regulatory compliance.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1850MGNT350Business Operations and Supply Chain Management
Covers the conceptual models, decision making tools, and information systems used by managers and strategists to integrate operations, supply chain, and information systems toward increased productivity and competitive advantage.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1851MGNT350Business Operations and Supply Chain Management
Covers the conceptual models, decision making tools, and information systems used by managers and strategists to integrate operations, supply chain, and information systems toward increased productivity and competitive advantage.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1852MGNT354Principles of Risk Management
An introductory study in the field of risk management. Material covered includes insurance categories of liability, property, health and life. The primary emphasis will be on business applications, but some consideration will be given to the personal risk.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1853MGNT354Principles of Risk Management
An introductory study in the field of risk management. Material covered includes insurance categories of liability, property, health and life. The primary emphasis will be on business applications, but some consideration will be given to the personal risk.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1854MGNT364International Business and Economics
A survey of the world environment of business including aspects of economics, cultures, trade theories, governments, exchange and finances, multinational firms' strategies. The impact on business operations of each of these is considered, including a study of the economic relationships between countries and the cooperation that is necessary for stable economic world growth.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2005 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTBusiness, School ofActive
1855MGNT364International Business and Economics
A survey of the world environment of business including aspects of economics, cultures, trade theories, governments, exchange and finances, multinational firms' strategies. The impact on business operations of each of these is considered, including a study of the economic relationships between countries and the cooperation that is necessary for stable economic world growth.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1856MGNT364International Business and Economics
A survey of the world environment of business including aspects of economics, cultures, trade theories, governments, exchange and finances, multinational firms' strategies. The impact on business operations of each of these is considered, including a study of the economic relationships between countries and the cooperation that is necessary for stable economic world growth.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1857MGNT368Multicultural Management
Develops an understanding of the role and impact of cultural diversity in the workplace. The course focuses on how multiculturalism influences the local and international environments within which organizations operate, including economic, legal, and political aspects; markets and business customs; dealing with foreign governments and nationals; formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional and cross-cultural decision processes that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1858MGNT368Multicultural Management
Develops an understanding of the role and impact of cultural diversity in the workplace. The course focuses on how multiculturalism influences the local and international environments within which organizations operate, including economic, legal, and political aspects; markets and business customs; dealing with foreign governments and nationals; formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional and cross-cultural decision processes that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1859MGNT370Business Modeling
Studying the theory and practice of research-based business models and applying them to a value proposition within the context of missional business. Business models are explored along economic, social, environmental, and spiritual dimensions. This course can be taken independently, or as part of the entrepreneurial series.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1860MGNT370Business Modeling
Studying the theory and practice of research-based business models and applying them to a value proposition within the context of missional business. Business models are explored along economic, social, environmental, and spiritual dimensions. This course can be taken independently, or as part of the entrepreneurial series.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1861MGNT371Principles of Entrepreneurship
A study of the theory and practice of initiating a business venture and organizing the necessary resources. Provides an understanding of the risks and rewards associated with entrepreneurship. Topics include start-up financing, marketing, risk management, development and implementation of a business plan.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1862MGNT371Principles of Entrepreneurship
Studying the theory and practice of initiating a business venture and organizing the necessary resources. Provides an understanding of the risks and rewards associated with entrepreneurship. Topics include start-up financing, marketing, risk management, development and implementation of a business plan. This course can be taken independently, or as a part of the entrepreneurial series.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1863MGNT371Principles of Entrepreneurship
Studying the theory and practice of initiating a business venture and organizing the necessary resources. Provides an understanding of the risks and rewards associated with entrepreneurship. Topics include start-up financing, marketing, risk management, development and implementation of a business plan. This course can be taken independently, or as a part of the entrepreneurial series.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1864MGNT372Small Business Management
Examines the principles and problems of operating a small business after it is established. Topics covered include a procedural system for operating a small business, providing physical facilities, financing, organizing, marketing, and managing of the small business.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1865MGNT372Small Business Management
Examines the principles and problems of operating a small business after it is established. Topics covered include a procedural system for operating a small business, providing physical facilities, financing, organizing, marketing, and managing of the small business.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1866MGNT410Organizational Theory and Design
A management capstone course for the development of thinking about organizations. Missions, goals, strategies, and effectiveness are blended into learning about organizational design as it is influenced by external realities. Students learn design alternatives to create a fit between the strengths of the organization and its external environment to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1867MGNT410Organizational Theory and Design
A management capstone course for the development of thinking about organizations. Missions, goals, strategies, and effectiveness are blended into learning about organizational design as it is influenced by external realities. Students learn design alternatives to create a fit between the strengths of the organization and its external environment to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1868MGNT420Organizational Behavior
Investigates the impact that individuals and groups have on values, attitudes, job satisfaction, motivation, and how the resultant organizational structure and culture are affected. The purpose of the course is the application of this knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. Students learn the dynamics of leadership and management as they influence organizational behavior.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1869MGNT420Organizational Behavior
Investigates the impact that individuals and groups have on values, attitudes, job satisfaction, motivation, and how the resultant organizational structure and culture are affected. The purpose of the course is the application of this knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. Students learn the dynamics of leadership and management as they influence organizational behavior.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1870MGNT450Leadership in Organizations
This course is a non-quantitative exploration of leadership allowing students to engage in an in-depth study of how they can develop as successful organizational leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches (including Great Man, behavioral, contingency, transformational, servant leadership and shared leadership) are compared. Other course topics may include the Biblical teaching on leadership, conflict management and/or approaches to leading organizational change. Students are required to obtain hands-on leadership experience during the semester outside of class as part of the course requirements. This course is cross-listed with NPLD 550. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTBusiness, School ofActive
1871MGNT450Leadership in Organizations
This course is a non-quantitative exploration of leadership allowing students to engage in an in-depth study of how they can develop as successful organizational leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches are compared. Other course topics may include the Biblical teaching on leadership, conflict management and/or approaches to leading organizational change. Students are required to obtain hands-on leadership experience during the semester through a major project that includes self-discovery of their leadership traits, and feedback from others regarding the student's leadership worldview.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1872MGNT450Leadership in Organizations
This course is a non-quantitative exploration of leadership allowing students to engage in an in-depth study of how they can develop as successful organizational leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches are compared. Other course topics may include the Biblical teaching on leadership, conflict management and/or approaches to leading organizational change. Students are required to obtain hands-on leadership experience during the semester through a major project that includes self-discovery of their leadership traits, and feedback from others regarding the student's leadership worldview.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1873MGNT452Missional Entrepreneurship
This course familiarizes students with the complex range of decisions and activities that arise in the initiation and operation of a nonprofit organization. This is accomplished by an immersive academic experience that involves students directly in service for others within the context of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. In addition to real-world challenges, participants study text, online, and periodical material to provide an intelligent consideration of corporate forms, sources of revenue, constituencies, operational considerations, and nonprofit products and services. This class presumes familiarity with, and appreciation of, the writings of Ellen White. Prospective students who are not familiar with the writings of Ellen White may contact the professor for provisional acceptance into the class. This course is cross-listed with BUAD 552. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2010 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1874MGNT452Missional Entrepreneurship
This course familiarizes students with the complex range of decisions and activities that arise in the initiation and operation of a nonprofit organization. This is accomplished by an immersive academic experience that involves students directly in service for others within the context of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. In addition to real-world challenges, participants study text, online, and periodical material to provide an intelligent consideration of corporate forms, sources of revenue, constituencies, operational considerations, and nonprofit products and services. This class presumes familiarity with, and appreciation of, the writings of Ellen White. Prospective students who are not familiar with the writings of Ellen White may contact the professor for provisional acceptance into the class. This course is cross-listed with BUAD 552. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1875MGNT458Recruitment and Workplace Planning
Analysis of the labor market and the challenges that represent its constant changing nature related to labor demographics, supply, and demand. Core topics include essential methods of recruitment, assessment, selection, placement, and performance appraisal to identify, align and retain the necessary workforce according to the organization’s strategic goals.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1876MGNT458Recruitment and Workplace Planning
Analysis of the labor market and the challenges that represent its constant changing nature related to labor demographics, supply, and demand. Core topics include essential methods of recruitment, assessment, selection, placement, and performance appraisal to identify, align and retain the necessary workforce according to the organization’s strategic goals.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1877MGNT459Employment Law and Labor Relations
Overview of legal concepts, practices and policies necessary for understanding the employment relationship and employment contract in labor law. This course examines management principles, policies, and considerations for the handling of labor union problems and opportunities at public or private sector organizations and the development of a practical, effective, and fair legal framework for collective bargaining, mediation, and arbitration.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1878MGNT459Employment Law and Labor Relations
Overview of legal concepts, practices and policies necessary for understanding the employment relationship and employment contract in labor law. This course examines management principles, policies, and considerations for the handling of labor union problems and opportunities at public or private sector organizations and the development of a practical, effective, and fair legal framework for collective bargaining, mediation, and arbitration.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1879MGNT460Compensation and Benefits
Part one of the course covers employee and executive compensation components, theory, and strategies. Compensation is an integral part of attracting and retaining organizational talent. Part two of the course covers executive and employee benefits and strategies. In the climate of expensive medical coverage, emphasis will be given to cost containment strategies. Great organizations offer benefits that satisfy a wide range of employees' needs and delivers competitive advantage in attracting and retaining a quality employee base.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1880MGNT460Compensation and Benefits
Part one of the course covers employee and executive compensation components, theory, and strategies. Compensation is an integral part of attracting and retaining organizational talent. Part two of the course covers executive and employee benefits and strategies. In the climate of expensive medical coverage, emphasis will be given to cost containment strategies. Great organizations offer benefits that satisfy a wide range of employees' needs and delivers competitive advantage in attracting and retaining a quality employee base.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1881MGNT464Business Strategies (W)
A capstone course that integrates the functional business areas. It is designed to give the student experience in strategic analysis and decision-making using the case method. Students learn to identify, analyze, propose alternative solutions, and make decisions about business strategy. Attention is given to matching organizational resources to the external environment to achieve a strategic competitive advantage

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1882MGNT464Business Strategies (W)
A capstone course that integrates the functional business areas. It is designed to give the student experience in strategic analysis and decision-making using the case method. Students learn to identify, analyze, propose alternative solutions, and make decisions about business strategy. Attention is given to matching organizational resources to the external environment to achieve a strategic competitive advantage

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 09 ($180), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1883MGNT464Business Strategies (W)
A capstone course that integrates the functional business areas. It is designed to give the student experience in strategic analysis and decision-making using the case method. Students learn to identify, analyze, propose alternative solutions, and make decisions about business strategy. Attention is given to matching organizational resources to the external environment to achieve a strategic competitive advantage

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 09 ($180), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1884MGNT465Topics in Business
See MGNT 265 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTBusiness, School ofActive
1885MGNT465Topics in Business
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1886MGNT465Topics in Business
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1887MGNT470Strategic Management in Nonprofit Organizations (W)
The integration and application of strategic management principles, concepts, and practices in nonprofit organizations are discussed. The development of mission statements, goal-setting concepts, and strategy formulation and implementation approaches are included. Students are provided the opportunity to design organizational plans and strategies relevant to their specific needs and the needs of their organizations.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1888MGNT470Strategic Management in Nonprofit Organizations (W)
The integration and application of strategic management principles, concepts, and practices in nonprofit organizations are discussed. The development of mission statements, goal-setting concepts, and strategy formulation and implementation approaches are included. Students are provided the opportunity to design organizational plans and strategies relevant to their specific needs and the needs of their organizations.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1889MGNT488Project Management (SERV-2)
See MGNT 288 for course description. This course is cross-listed with MGNT 288. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 0 - 3, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1890MGNT488Project Management (SERV-2)
See MGNT 288 for course description. This course is cross-listed with MGNT 288. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 0 - 3, Lab Fee 05 ($60), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1891MGNT491Management Practicum
A practicum consists of supervised volunteer/work experience in related fields of management on a part-time basis. The work may be done at various job sites. A minimum of 50 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1892MGNT491Management Practicum
A practicum consists of supervised volunteer/work experience in related fields of management on a part-time basis. The work may be done at various job sites. A minimum of 50 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1893MGNT492Management Internship
Students obtain on-the-job experience working under supervision in a management position or a tailored program of management experience in a selected office or facility on a full-time basis. All hours must be completed on one job site. A minimum of 100 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1894MGNT492Management Internship
Students obtain on-the-job experience working under supervision in a management position or a tailored program of management experience in a selected office or facility on a full-time basis. All hours must be completed on one job site. A minimum of 100 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTBusiness, School ofActive
1895MGNT492Management Internship
Students obtain on-the-job experience working under supervision in a management position or a tailored program of management experience in a selected office or facility on a full-time basis. All hours must be completed on one job site. A minimum of 100 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1896MGNT492Management Internship
Students obtain on-the-job experience working under supervision in a management position or a tailored program of management experience in a selected office or facility on a full-time basis. All hours must be completed on one job site. A minimum of 100 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1897MGNT495Directed Study
See MGNT 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1898MGNT495Independent Study
An independent study involves individualized research into a selected topic chosen by the faculty adviser and the student.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1899MGNT495Independent Study
An independent study involves individualized research into a selected topic chosen by the faculty adviser and the student.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive
1900MGNT497Management Research
This course permits students to apply principles of research and statistical analysis of data leading to the completion of a research project.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Management (MGNT)MGNTSchool of BusinessActive