Publication: [846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5511
[Rec № 846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.
Schwarzacher, W.
Geol. Mag., 1953, , Vol 90
Pages 322 - 330 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Cretaceous 5 33422 51.8 0.2 Great Britain alluvial crossbedding carbonate sand Woburn Sands
Data RefID #5512
[Rec № 846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.
Schwarzacher, W.
Geol. Mag., 1953, , Vol 90
Pages 322 - 330 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Cretaceous 5 33422 52 -0.2 Great Britain alluvial crossbedding carbonate sand Woburn Sands
Data RefID #5513
[Rec № 846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.
Schwarzacher, W.
Geol. Mag., 1953, , Vol 90
Pages 322 - 330 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Cretaceous 5 33422 51.9 -0.6 Great Britain alluvial crossbedding carbonate sand Woburn Sands
Data RefID #5514
[Rec № 846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.
Schwarzacher, W.
Geol. Mag., 1953, , Vol 90
Pages 322 - 330 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Cretaceous 5 33422 51.95 -0.4 Great Britain alluvial crossbedding carbonate sand Woburn Sands
Data RefID #5515
[Rec № 846] Gross-bedding and grain size in the Lower Cretaceous sands of East Anglia.
Schwarzacher, W.
Geol. Mag., 1953, , Vol 90
Pages 322 - 330 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Cretaceous 5 33422 52.2 0.2 Great Britain alluvial crossbedding carbonate sand Woburn Sands