Publication: [797] Estuarine sedimentation in the Eocene of southern England

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5390
[Rec № 797] Estuarine sedimentation in the Eocene of southern England
Goldring, R., Bosence, D. W.J. & Blake, T.
Sedimentology, 1978, , Vol 25
Pages 861 - 876 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Lower Eocene 2 42145 50.5 -0.5 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding shale Bagshot Beds
Data RefID #5391
[Rec № 797] Estuarine sedimentation in the Eocene of southern England
Goldring, R., Bosence, D. W.J. & Blake, T.
Sedimentology, 1978, , Vol 25
Pages 861 - 876 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Lower Eocene 2 42145 50.5 -0.5 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding shale Bagshot Beds