Publication: [771] Fan delta sedimentation: an example from Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous of Milne Land, central Greenland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #16761
[Rec № 771] Fan delta sedimentation: an example from Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous of Milne Land, central Greenland
Sykes, R. M. & Brand, R. P.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1976, , Vol 55
Pages 195 - 203 , Total Record: 2
North American Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous 2 32922 70 -30 North American fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Hartz Field
Data RefID #16762
[Rec № 771] Fan delta sedimentation: an example from Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous of Milne Land, central Greenland
Sykes, R. M. & Brand, R. P.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1976, , Vol 55
Pages 195 - 203 , Total Record: 2
North American Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous 2 32922 70 -30 North American fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Hartz Field