Publication: [757] Crinoidal turbidites from the Devonian of Cornwall and their Paleogeographic significance

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6130
[Rec № 757] Crinoidal turbidites from the Devonian of Cornwall and their Paleogeographic significance
Tucker, M. E.
Sedimentology, 1969, , Vol 13
Pages 281 - 290 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Middle Devonian 2 24552 51.5 -4.8 Great Britain marine deep crossbedding limestone Marble Cliff Beds
Data RefID #6131
[Rec № 757] Crinoidal turbidites from the Devonian of Cornwall and their Paleogeographic significance
Tucker, M. E.
Sedimentology, 1969, , Vol 13
Pages 281 - 290 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Middle Devonian 2 24552 50.5 -4.8 Great Britain marine deep crossbedding limestone Marble Cliff Beds