Publication: [728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5572
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31854 51.6 -2.6 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Westbury
Data RefID #5573
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31854 51.6 -2.6 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Westbury
Data RefID #5574
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31824 51.5 -3 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Liltstock
Data RefID #5575
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31824 51.55 -2.8 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Liltstock
Data RefID #5576
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31824 51.5 -3 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Liltstock
Data RefID #5577
[Rec № 728] The orientation of fossil bivalves in a pene-littoral sequence (the Rhaetian of south Wales)
Kelling, G. & Moshrif, M. A.
J. Sed. Pet., 1977, , Vol 47
Pages 1342 - 1346 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Upper Triassic 6 31824 51.55 -2.8 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks carbonate sand Liltstock