Publication: [718] Subaqueous shrinkage cracks from the Caithness Flagstone Series (Middle Devonian) of northeast Scotland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6195
[Rec № 718] Subaqueous shrinkage cracks from the Caithness Flagstone Series (Middle Devonian) of northeast Scotland
Donovan, R. N. & Foster, R. J.
J. Sed. Pet., 1972, , Vol 42
Pages 309 - 317 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Middle Devonian 2 24434 58.5 -3.2 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks siltstone or turbidites
Data RefID #6196
[Rec № 718] Subaqueous shrinkage cracks from the Caithness Flagstone Series (Middle Devonian) of northeast Scotland
Donovan, R. N. & Foster, R. J.
J. Sed. Pet., 1972, , Vol 42
Pages 309 - 317 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Middle Devonian 2 24434 58.5 -3.5 Great Britain marine shallow paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites