Publication: [562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6479
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22846 55.35 -4.6 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Whitehouse Sandstone
Data RefID #6480
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22846 55.35 -4.6 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Whitehouse Sandstone
Data RefID #6481
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22846 55.35 -4.6 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Whitehouse Sandstone
Data RefID #6482
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22846 55.35 -4.6 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Whitehouse Sandstone
Data RefID #6483
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22845 55.3 -4.65 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Ardwell Flags Sandstone
Data RefID #6493
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22814 55.25 -4.75 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Barren Flags Sandstone
Data RefID #6494
[Rec № 562] Sedimentary history of Upper Ordovician geosynclinal rocks, Girvan, Scotland
Hubert, J. F.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 677 - 699 , Total Record: 7
Great Britain Upper Ordovician 7 22814 55.4 -4.5 Great Britain marine deep ripple marks sandstone Barren Flags Sandstone