Publication: [35] Direction of ophiolite emplacement inferred from Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of an adjacent autochthon, the Bey Daglari, southwest Turkey

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
1 African Lower Paleocene 5 41118 36.67 30.25 African marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites
2 African Upper Cretaceous 5 34510 36.67 30.25 African marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites
3 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 5 44136 36.67 30.25 Kazakhstan marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Bey Daglari
4 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 5 44136 36.67 30.25 Kazakhstan marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Bey Daglari
5 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 5 44136 36.67 30.15 Kazakhstan marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Bey Daglari