Publication: [320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #239
[Rec № 320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria
Ayoola, E. O.
Sed. Geol., 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 153 - 162 , Total Record: 5
African Upper Cretaceous 5 34363 9.33 10 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone Kerri Kerri
Data RefID #267
[Rec № 320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria
Ayoola, E. O.
Sed. Geol., 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 153 - 162 , Total Record: 5
African Upper Cretaceous 5 34323 9.5 11.5 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone Gombe
Data RefID #275
[Rec № 320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria
Ayoola, E. O.
Sed. Geol., 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 153 - 162 , Total Record: 5
African Upper Cretaceous 5 34123 9.5 10.5 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone Zurak
Data RefID #298
[Rec № 320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria
Ayoola, E. O.
Sed. Geol., 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 153 - 162 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Cretaceous 5 33753 9.5 10 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone Keana
Data RefID #299
[Rec № 320] Paleocurrent and sedimentological studies in the Benue Trough, Nigeria
Ayoola, E. O.
Sed. Geol., 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 153 - 162 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Cretaceous 5 33713 9.33 11.5 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone