Publication: [3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #2581
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.3 108.98 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav
Data RefID #2582
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.1 108.99 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav
Data RefID #2583
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.2 109.21 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav
Data RefID #2584
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.2 109.45 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav
Data RefID #2585
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.2 108.78 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav
Data RefID #2586
[Rec № 3177] Sedimentary record and tectonic implications of Mesozoic rifting in southeast Mongolia
Graham, S. A., Hendrix, M. S., Johnson, C. L., Badamgarav, D., Badarch, G., Amory, J., Porter, M., Barsbold, R., Webb, L. E. & Hacker, B. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 2001, , Vol 113
Pages 1560 - 1579 , Total Record: 6
China Lower Cretaceous 6 33132 44.4 109.31 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Tsagantsav