Publication: [3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #2474
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33754 31.5 116.49 China marine shallow crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Heishidu - Baidafan - Chenpeng
Data RefID #2475
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33754 31.7 116.6 China marine shallow crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Heishidu - Baidafan - Chenpeng
Data RefID #2550
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.9 114.95 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2551
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.5 116.6 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2552
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.5 116.49 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2553
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.85 116 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2554
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.95 115.8 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2555
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 32 115.35 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2556
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Lower Cretaceous 18 33453 31.7 116.9 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate Fenghuangtai - Duanji - Zhougongshan
Data RefID #2645
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Upper Jurassic 18 32713 31.95 115.8 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate
Data RefID #2646
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Upper Jurassic 18 32713 31.85 116 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate
Data RefID #2647
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Upper Jurassic 18 32713 31.7 116.6 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate
Data RefID #2648
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Upper Jurassic 18 32713 31.5 116.49 China alluvial crossbedding conglomerate
Data RefID #2767
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Middle Jurassic 18 32516 32 115.35 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Sanjianpu - Zhuji
Data RefID #2768
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Middle Jurassic 18 32516 31.5 116.49 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Fenghushan - Yuantongshan
Data RefID #2769
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Middle Jurassic 18 32516 31.85 116 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Fenghushan - Yuantongshan
Data RefID #2770
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Middle Jurassic 18 32516 31.5 116.6 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Fenghushan - Yuantongshan
Data RefID #2771
[Rec № 3111] Mesozoic alluvial deposition on the southern margin of the Hefei - Huangchuan Basin and its tectonic implication
Li, S., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Li, R., Meng, Q., Yue, S., & Jin, F.
Acta Geol. Sinica, 2005, , Vol 79
Pages 465 - 474 , Total Record: 18
China Middle Jurassic 18 32516 31.7 116.9 China fluvial crossbedding sandstone Fenghushan - Yuantongshan