Publication: [3049] Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analyses

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #28210
[Rec № 3049] Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analyses
Veloso, E. E., Anma, R., Ota, T., Komiya, T., Kagashima, S. I., & Yamazaki, T.
Sed. Geol., 2007, , Vol 201
Pages 446 - 460 , Total Record: 2
South American Upper Miocene 2 44891 -46.7 -75.4 South American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Taitao
Data RefID #28211
[Rec № 3049] Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analyses
Veloso, E. E., Anma, R., Ota, T., Komiya, T., Kagashima, S. I., & Yamazaki, T.
Sed. Geol., 2007, , Vol 201
Pages 446 - 460 , Total Record: 2
South American Upper Miocene 2 44891 -46.67 -75.5 South American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Taitao