Publication: [3026] Sedimentology and weathering of the Cadna-Owie Formation, Tibooburra, Northwestern New south Wales

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #7956
[Rec № 3026] Sedimentology and weathering of the Cadna-Owie Formation, Tibooburra, Northwestern New south Wales
Cosgrove, Leon G.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland, 1985, « Missing Vol »
Indo-Australian Lower Cretaceous 2 33114 -32.01 143.01 Indo-Australian lacustrine crossbedding sandstone Cadna-Owie
Data RefID #7957
[Rec № 3026] Sedimentology and weathering of the Cadna-Owie Formation, Tibooburra, Northwestern New south Wales
Cosgrove, Leon G.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland, 1985, « Missing Vol »
Indo-Australian Lower Cretaceous 2 33114 -32 143 Indo-Australian lacustrine crossbedding sandstone Cadna-Owie