Publication: [2784] Open-ocean to trench turbidity-current flow in the Nankai Trough: Flow collapse and reflection

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #7776
[Rec № 2784] Open-ocean to trench turbidity-current flow in the Nankai Trough: Flow collapse and reflection
Pickering, K. T., Underwood, M. B. & Tairp, A.
Geology, 1992, , Vol 20
Pages 1099 - 1102 , Total Record: 2
Indo-Australian Pleistocene 2 46218 33 134.4 Indo-Australian marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites Shikoku Basin
Data RefID #7777
[Rec № 2784] Open-ocean to trench turbidity-current flow in the Nankai Trough: Flow collapse and reflection
Pickering, K. T., Underwood, M. B. & Tairp, A.
Geology, 1992, , Vol 20
Pages 1099 - 1102 , Total Record: 2
Indo-Australian Pleistocene 2 46218 33 134.4 Indo-Australian marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites Shikoku Basin