Publication: [2718] Laterally and vertically accreted tidal deposits in the Upper Proterozoic Madina-Kouta Basin, southeastern Senegal, West Africa

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #1500
[Rec № 2718] Laterally and vertically accreted tidal deposits in the Upper Proterozoic Madina-Kouta Basin, southeastern Senegal, West Africa
Deynoux, M., Duringer, P., Khatib, R., & Villeneuve, M.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 84
Pages 179 - 188 , Total Record: 2
African Proterozoic 2 11698 14.5 -12.4 African alluvial crossbedding sandstone Dindefello
Data RefID #1501
[Rec № 2718] Laterally and vertically accreted tidal deposits in the Upper Proterozoic Madina-Kouta Basin, southeastern Senegal, West Africa
Deynoux, M., Duringer, P., Khatib, R., & Villeneuve, M.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 84
Pages 179 - 188 , Total Record: 2
African Proterozoic 2 11698 14.5 -12.4 African alluvial ripple marks sandstone Dindefello