Publication: [270] Depositional patterns and late Quaternary evolution of two Mediterranean submarine fans: A comparison

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #56
[Rec № 270] Depositional patterns and late Quaternary evolution of two Mediterranean submarine fans: A comparison
Maldonado, A. & Stanley, D. J.
Marine Geology, 1979, , Vol 31
Pages 215 - 250 , Total Record: 2
African Recent 2 47000 33 29.5 African marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites
Data RefID #6648
[Rec № 270] Depositional patterns and late Quaternary evolution of two Mediterranean submarine fans: A comparison
Maldonado, A. & Stanley, D. J.
Marine Geology, 1979, , Vol 31
Pages 215 - 250 , Total Record: 2
Iberian Recent 2 47000 39 3.7 Iberian marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites