Publication: [2576] Sediment transport and bed morphology at river channel confluences

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5331
[Rec № 2576] Sediment transport and bed morphology at river channel confluences
Best, J.
Sedimentology, 1988, , Vol 35
Pages 481 - 498 , Total Record: 3
Great Britain Recent 3 47000 54.25 -2.25 Great Britain fluvial grain orientation conglomerate No Name
Data RefID #5332
[Rec № 2576] Sediment transport and bed morphology at river channel confluences
Best, J.
Sedimentology, 1988, , Vol 35
Pages 481 - 498 , Total Record: 3
Great Britain Recent 3 47000 54.27 -2.23 Great Britain fluvial grain orientation conglomerate No Name
Data RefID #5333
[Rec № 2576] Sediment transport and bed morphology at river channel confluences
Best, J.
Sedimentology, 1988, , Vol 35
Pages 481 - 498 , Total Record: 3
Great Britain Recent 3 47000 54.26 -2.26 Great Britain fluvial grain orientation conglomerate No Name