Publication: [2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #24992
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22476 49.38 -58.2 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Lobster Head Sandstone
Data RefID #24993
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22476 49.42 -58.4 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Lobster Head Sandstone
Data RefID #25036
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22462 49.42 -58.25 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Blow-me-down Brook
Data RefID #25037
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22462 49.09 -58.22 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Blow-me-down Brook
Data RefID #25038
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22462 49.1 -58.25 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Blow-me-down Brook
Data RefID #25039
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22454 48.7 -58.7 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Black/Rocky Point
Data RefID #25040
[Rec № 2329] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Curling Group (Humber Arm Supergroup), central western Newfoundland
Gonzalez-Bonorino, G.
Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University, 1979, « Missing Vol »
North American Middle Ordovician 7 22454 48.75 -59 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Black/Rocky Point