Publication: [2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5565
[Rec № 2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain
Davies, D. K.
J. Sed. Pet., 1969, , Vol 39
Pages 1344 - 1370 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Jurassic 5 32214 50.25 -2.33 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding carbonate sand Upper Lias Sand
Data RefID #5566
[Rec № 2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain
Davies, D. K.
J. Sed. Pet., 1969, , Vol 39
Pages 1344 - 1370 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Jurassic 5 32214 51.16 -2.25 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding carbonate sand Upper Lias Sand
Data RefID #5567
[Rec № 2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain
Davies, D. K.
J. Sed. Pet., 1969, , Vol 39
Pages 1344 - 1370 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Jurassic 5 32214 51.67 -2.75 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding carbonate sand Upper Lias Sand
Data RefID #5568
[Rec № 2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain
Davies, D. K.
J. Sed. Pet., 1969, , Vol 39
Pages 1344 - 1370 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Jurassic 5 32214 51.25 -2.5 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding carbonate sand Upper Lias Sand
Data RefID #5569
[Rec № 2] Shelf sedimentation: an example from the Jurassic of Britain
Davies, D. K.
J. Sed. Pet., 1969, , Vol 39
Pages 1344 - 1370 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Jurassic 5 32214 51 -2.75 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding carbonate sand Upper Lias Sand