Publication: [1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #135
[Rec № 1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez
Smale, J. L., Thunell, R. C. & Schamel, S.
Geology, 1988, , Vol 16
Pages 113 - 116 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Miocene 5 44156 27.8 33.65 African alluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand Rudeis
Data RefID #136
[Rec № 1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez
Smale, J. L., Thunell, R. C. & Schamel, S.
Geology, 1988, , Vol 16
Pages 113 - 116 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Miocene 5 44156 27.8 33.3 African alluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand Rudeis
Data RefID #137
[Rec № 1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez
Smale, J. L., Thunell, R. C. & Schamel, S.
Geology, 1988, , Vol 16
Pages 113 - 116 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Miocene 5 44156 28.1 33.05 African alluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand Rudeis
Data RefID #138
[Rec № 1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez
Smale, J. L., Thunell, R. C. & Schamel, S.
Geology, 1988, , Vol 16
Pages 113 - 116 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Miocene 5 44156 27.9 33.55 African alluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand Rudeis
Data RefID #139
[Rec № 1315] Sedimentological evidence for early Miocene fault reactivation in the Gulf of Suez
Smale, J. L., Thunell, R. C. & Schamel, S.
Geology, 1988, , Vol 16
Pages 113 - 116 , Total Record: 5
African Lower Miocene 5 44156 27.9 33.15 African alluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand Rudeis