Publication: [1177] Deposits of southward-flowing, Pleistocene rivers in the Channel region, near Wissant, NW France

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #3400
[Rec № 1177] Deposits of southward-flowing, Pleistocene rivers in the Channel region, near Wissant, NW France
Roep, T. B., Holst, H., Vissers, R. L. M., Pagnier, H., & Postma, D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1975, , Vol 17
Pages 289 - 308 , Total Record: 2
European Pleistocene 2 46000 50.8 1.6 European fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand
Data RefID #5381
[Rec № 1177] Deposits of southward-flowing, Pleistocene rivers in the Channel region, near Wissant, NW France
Roep, T. B., Holst, H., Vissers, R. L. M., Pagnier, H., & Postma, D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1975, , Vol 17
Pages 289 - 308 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Pleistocene 2 46000 52.85 1.65 Great Britain fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified carbonate sand