Publication: [1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6133
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24537 54.7 -2.5 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Main Algal
Data RefID #6134
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24536 54.9 -2.5 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Bewcastle
Data RefID #6136
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24535 55.25 -3.1 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6137
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24527 55 -2.6 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Lynebank-Lower Bewcas
Data RefID #6138
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24526 55.2 -2.9 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Liddel
Data RefID #6139
[Rec № 1132] Lower Border Group (Tournasian) fluviodeltaic sedimentation and paleography of the Northumberland Basin
Leeder, M. R.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1974, , Vol 40
Pages 129 - 180 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Devonian 6 24525 55.25 -3.02 Great Britain fluvial deltaic crossbedding sandstone Black Burn