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Showing 3,601-3,700 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
3601Rec № 538Evidence of tide, storm, and wave interaction on a Precambrian siliciclastic shelf: The 1,700 M.Y. Ortega Group, New MexicoSoegaard, K. & Eriksson, K. A.1985J. Sed. Pet.5567268415
3602Rec № 2324Geology of the Huronian rocks of Harrow Township and surrounding areas, north shore of Lake Huron, OntarioChandler, F. W.1969Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario(not set)0026
3603Rec № 2411The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Huronian (Lower Aphebian) Mississagi and Serpent FormationsLong, D. G.F.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario(not set)00102
3604Rec № 2798Depositional environments of the Early Proterozoic Espanola Formation, Ontario, CanadaBernstein, L. & Young, G. M.1990Can. J. Earth Sci.2753955117
3605Rec № 571Huronian stratigraphy and Paleocurrent analysis in the Espanola Willisville area, Sudbury District, Ontario, CanadaCasshyap, S. M.1968J. Sed. Pet.389209428
3606Rec № 2325Sedimentary petrology and stratigraphy of the Huronian rocks, south of Espanola, OntarioCasshyap, S. M.1966Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario(not set)0016
3607Rec № 2325Sedimentary petrology and stratigraphy of the Huronian rocks, south of Espanola, OntarioCasshyap, S. M.1966Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario00016
3608Rec № 1142Depositional environments of a thick Proterozoic sandstone: the (Huronian) Mississagi Formation of Ontario, CanadaLong, D. G.F1978Can. J. Earth Sci.1519020647
3609Rec № 1633A paleocurrent study of the Mississagi Quartzite along the north shore of Lake HuronMcDowell, J. P.1963Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University(not set)002
3610Rec № 1633A paleocurrent study of the Mississagi Quartzite along the north shore of Lake HuronMcDowell, J. P.1963Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University0002
3611Rec № 2411The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Huronian (Lower Aphebian) Mississagi and Serpent FormationsLong, D. G.F.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario000102
3612Rec № 2487Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Mississagi Formation, OntarioPalonen, P. A.1971Masters thesis, University of Calgary(not set)0017
3613Rec № 2487Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Mississagi Formation, OntarioPalonen, P. A.1971Masters thesis, University of Calgary00017
3614Rec № 2599Allogenic controls on the evolution of storm to tidal shelf sequences in the Early Proterozoic Uncompahgre Group, southwest Colorado, USAHarris, C. W. & Erikson, K. A.1990Sedimentology371892135
3615Rec № 2324Geology of the Huronian rocks of Harrow Township and surrounding areas, north shore of Lake Huron, OntarioChandler, F. W.1969Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario00026
3616Rec № 2417Stratigraphy, structure and tectonic implications of the Middle Proterozoic Purcell Subgroup in the Mount Fisher area, southeastern British ColumbiaMcMechan, M. E.1980Doctoral dissertation, Queen's University000118
3617Rec № 2446Geology of Kognak River area, District of Keewatin, northwest territoriesEade, K. E.1974Geol. Surv. of Canada, Memoir3770013
3618Rec № 34Volcaniclastic rocks and volcaniclastic facies in the middle Precambrian (Aphebian) Belcher Group, Northwest Territories, CanadaRicketts, B. D., Ware, M. J. & Donaldson, J. A.1982Can. J. Earth Sci.19127512947
3619Rec № 2385Volcaniclastic sediments of the Flaherty Formation, Belcher Islands, northwest territoriesWardlaw, B. R.1978Bachelors thesis, Carleton University-Ontario(not set)004
3620Rec № 2385Volcaniclastic sediments of the Flaherty Formation, Belcher Islands, northwest territoriesWardlaw, B. R.1978Bachelors thesis, Carleton University-Ontario0004
3621Rec № 1080The basal sedimentary rocks in Somerset Island, N.W.TTuke, M. & Dineley, D. & Rust, B.1966Can. J. Earth Sci.36977121
3622Rec № 2449Geology of northern Contwoyto Lake area District of MacKenzieTremblay, L. P.1976Geol. Surv. of Canada, Memoir381004
3623Rec № 2562Distinction of marine from alluvial facies in the paleoproterozoic (1.9 GA) Burnside formation, Kilohigok Basin, N.W.T., CanadaMcCormick, D. S. & Grotzinger, J. P.1993J. Sed. Pet.633984194
3624Rec № 2742Evolution and significance of an overfilled alluvial foreland basin: Burnside Formation (1.9 Ga), Kilohigok Basin, N.W.T., CanadaMcCormick, D. S. & Grotzinger, J. P.1992Basin Research425327812
3625Rec № 2388Sedimentation and stratigraphy of eastern and central Belcher Islands, northwest territoriesRicketts, B. D.1979Doctoral dissertation, Carleton University(not set)0026
3626Rec № 2388Sedimentation and stratigraphy of eastern and central Belcher Islands, northwest territoriesRicketts, B. D.1979Doctoral dissertation, Carleton University00026
3627Rec № 1117A Tide-influenced delta complex in the upper Proterozoic Shaler Group, Victoria Island, CanadaYoung, G.1977Can. J. Earth Sci.14224622615
3628Rec № 988Deposition and current direction within the Yellowknife Group at Mesa Lake, N.W.T., CanadaRoss, J.1962Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.73115911627
3629Rec № 957High-energy shelf deposit: Early Proterozoic Wishart Formation, northeastern CanadaSimonson, B. M.1984Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ.342512682
3630Rec № 961Fluvial origin of the Lower Proterozoic Quartzite, southwestern Minnesota.Southwick, D. L., Morey, G. B. & Mossler, J. H.1986Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.97143214415
3631Rec № 1566Depositional environment and petrology of the Medicine Peak Quartzite (Early Proterozoic), southern WyomingFlurkey, A. J.1983Doctoral dissertation, University of Wyoming(not set)0014
3632Rec № 1566Depositional environment and petrology of the Medicine Peak Quartzite (Early Proterozoic), southern WyomingFlurkey, A. J.1983Doctoral dissertation, University of Wyoming00014
3633Rec № 2337Sedimentology, volcanology, stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Archean Timiskaming Group, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, northeastern Ontario, CanadaHyde, R. S.1978Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University(not set)0010
3634Rec № 2337Sedimentology, volcanology, stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Archean Timiskaming Group, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, northeastern Ontario, CanadaHyde, R. S.1978Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University00010
3635Rec № 1089Sedimentology of Archean turbidites at Yellowknife, Northwest TerritoriesHenderson, J. B.1972Can. J. Earth Sci.98829021
3636Rec № 2452Sedimentology of the Archean Yellowknife Supergroup at Yellowknife, District of MacKenzieHenderson, J. B.1975Geol. Surv. of Canada, Bull24605364
3637Rec № 612Reconstruction of Don's River currents according to data of oblique strata in Early Cretaceous basins of the Tadjik depressionRodjkos, G.1966Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.4155621
3638Rec № 813Sedimentology of Middle and Upper Jurassic sandstone reservoirs of DenmarkKoch, J. O.1983Geol. Mijnbouw621151291
3639Rec № 3195Estudio sedimentologico de la Playa VentanillaPosturas Garcia, F. A.1973Bachelors thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos0001
3640Rec № 2959Depósitos Cenozóicos Costeiros e a Morfologia do Extremo Sul de Santa CatarinaDuarte, G. M.1995Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)0035
3641Rec № 2959Depósitos Cenozóicos Costeiros e a Morfologia do Extremo Sul de Santa CatarinaDuarte, G. M.1995Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo00035
3642Rec № 2937Considerações Sobre os sedimentos de superficie de Fundo da Baia da Ilha Grande, Estado do Rio de JaneiroMahiques, M. M.1987Masters thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)002
3643Rec № 2937Considerações Sobre os sedimentos de superficie de Fundo da Baia da Ilha Grande, Estado do Rio de JaneiroMahiques, M. M.1987Masters thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo0002
3644Rec № 97Ice-formed intertidal boulder pavements in the sub-AntarcticHansom, J. D.1983J. Sed. Pet.531351451
3645Rec № 98Variations of sediment texture on the Amazon continental shelfNittrouer, C. A., Sharara, M. T. & DeMaster, D. J.1983J. Sed. Pet.531791911
3646Rec № 105Deep-sea bottom-currents differentiated from texture of underlying sedimentBlaeser, C. R. & Ledbetter, M. T.1982J. Sed. Pet.527557681
3647Rec № 131Paleontologic and paleoenvironmental synthesis for the southwest Atlantic Ocean basin based on Jurassic to Holocene faunas and floras from the Falkland PlateauWinslow, N. & Heller, P.1982Antarctic Geoscience01551631
3648Rec № 141Structural features at Lagoa Dune Field, BrazilBigarella, J. J.1979U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper10521141241
3649Rec № 153(not set)Kuehl, S. A., Nittrouer, C. A. & DeMaster, D. J.1981Geol. Soc. Amer. Abs.1349202
3650Rec № 196Some problems of geomorphology and continental relationships in British GuianaBishopp, D. W.1940Geol. Mag.773053293
3651Rec № 369Sediment transport and distribution in the Argentine Basin. 1. Antarctic bottom current passage through the Falkland Fracture ZoneLe Pichon, X.1971L. Ahrens et al (eds.)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth83283
3652Rec № 370Sediment transport and distribution in the Argentine Basin. 2. Antarctic bottom current passage into the Brazil BasinLe Pichon, X.1971L. Ahrens et al (eds.)Physics and Chemistry of the Earth829482
3653Rec № 533Catastrophic debris avalanche deposit of Socompa Volcano, northern ChileFrancis, P. W., Gardeweg, M. G., Ramirez, C. F. & Rothery, D. A.1985Geology136006037
3654Rec № 537Depositional facies of a mud shoreface in Suriname, South America- A mud analogue to sandy, shallow-marine depositsRine, J. M. & Ginsburg, R. N.1985J. Sed. Pet.556336521
3655Rec № 591The Orinoco deltavan Andel, T. H.1967J. Sed. Pet.3729731019
3656Rec № 963Styles of reef accretion along a steep, shelf-edge reef, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin IslandsHubbard, D. K., Burke, R. B. & Gill, I. P.1986J. Sed. Pet.568488611
3657Rec № 3217Orogenic wedge advance in the northern Andes: evidence from the Oligocene-Miocene Sedimentary record of the Medina Basin, Eastern Cordillera, ColombiaParra, M., Mora, A., Jaramillo, C., Strecker, M. R., Sobel, E. R., Quiroz, L., ... & Torres, V.2009Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.12178080027
3658Rec № 854Pollen studies in the Junin area, central Peruvian AndesHansen, B. C.S., Wright Jr., H. E. & Bradbury, J. P.1984Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.951454146526
3659Rec № 2952Dinâmica sedimentar quaternária no litoral sul paulistaTessler, M. G.1988Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)006
3660Rec № 2952Dinâmica sedimentar quaternária no litoral sul paulistaTessler, M. G.1988Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo0006
3661Rec № 583Flank failure-directed blast eruption at Soufriere, Guadeloupe, French West Indies: a 3,000 year old Mt. St. Helens?Boudon, G., Semet, M. P. & Vincent, P. M.1984Geology123503531
3662Rec № 2901Estratigrafia e sedimentação dos depósitos continentais cenozóicos da planície costeira do Estado do ParanáJunior, O. B.1996Masters thesis, University of Sao Paulo(not set)002
3663Rec № 3232Processes of oscillatory basin filling and excavation in a tectonically active orogen: Quebrada del toro Basin, NW ArgentinaHilley, G..E & Strecker M. R.2005Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.11788790117
3664Rec № 3220Unusual coarse clastic, wave-dominated shoreface deposits, Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene, nothern Chile: implications for coastal facies analysisHartley, A. J., & Jolley, E. J.1999Society for Sedimentary Geology6910511416
3665Rec № 2995Contribution a l'étude des Brasilides: Lithostratigraphie et structure des Groupes Canastra, Paraná et Bambuí dans l'Ouest-ftord-Ouest de l'État de Minas Gerais, BrésilDa Costa Campos Neto, M.1979Doctoral dissertation, University of Brazil, Minas Gerais0001
3666Rec № 2949Paleocorrientes de los Rodados Patagónicos, tramo Comodoro Rivadavia-TrelewBeltramone, C. & Meister, C. M.1992Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina214715228
3667Rec № 2668Alluvial lithofacies recognition in a humid-tropical settingDarby, D. A., Whittecar, G. R., Barringer, R. A., & Garrett, J. R.1990Sed. Geol.671611749
3668Rec № 2955Sedimentação e tectônica cenozóicas no Médio Vale do Rio Doce (MG, sudeste do Brasil) e suas implicações na evolução de um sistema de lagosLimeira Mello, C.1997Masters thesis Universidade de Sao Paulo0001
3669Rec № 3196Sedimentologia de un desierto eolico Terciario (San Juan Argentina)Cevallos, M. &. Milana, J. P.1992Cuarta Reunion Argentina de Sedimentologia31211282
3670Rec № 3209Cenozoic provenance history of synorogenic conglomerates in western Argentina (Famatina Belt): Implications for Central Andean foreland developmentDavila, F.M & Astini, R. A.2007Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.1196096229
3671Rec № 2854Contribuição à geologia da Bacia de TaubatéSuguio, K.1969Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo0003
3672Rec № 2854Contribuição à geologia da Bacia de TaubatéSuguio, K.1969Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)003
3673Rec № 3206Oligocene-Miocene basin evolution in the northern Altiplano, Bolivia: Implications for evolution of the Central Andean backthrust belt and high plateauMurray, B. P., Horton, B. K., Matos, R. & Heizler, M. T.2010Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.1221443146217
3674Rec № 3200La Formación El Morterito (Neógeno de Sierras Pampeanas), características sedimentológicas y paleogeográficasMalizia.D. C., Serecker M., Herbst R Y, & Carrion M.1999actas III Reunion Argentina de Sedimentologia(not set)1751803
3675Rec № 3200La Formación El Morterito (Neógeno de Sierras Pampeanas), características sedimentológicas y paleogeográficasMalizia.D. C., Serecker M., Herbst R Y, & Carrion M.1999actas III Reunion Argentina de Sedimentologia01751803
3676Rec № 3216Dynamics of deformation and sedimentation in the northern Sierras Pampeanas: An integrated study of the Neogene Fiambala Basin, NW ArgentinaCarrapa, B, Hauer, J., Schoenbohm, L., Strecker, M. R., Schmitt, A. K., Villanueva, A. & Gomez, J. S.2008Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.1205158154323
3677Rec № 1409Pliocene-Basil Pleistocene section of southeast Trinidad, West IndiesFarrelly, J. J.1987Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin(not set)004
3678Rec № 1409Pliocene-Basil Pleistocene section of southeast Trinidad, West IndiesFarrelly, J. J.1987Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin0004
3679Rec № 2927Geologia de la Cuenca de Guarenas-Guatire. Sedimentacion continental intracordillerana, VenezuelaPicard, Xavier.1973Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia(not set)0023
3680Rec № 2927Geologia de la Cuenca de Guarenas-Guatire. Sedimentacion continental intracordillerana, VenezuelaPicard, Xavier.1973Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia00023
3681Rec № 2956Estudo morfologico e sedimentologico da porca norte do mar de areia fóssil do medio rio Sao Francisco, BahiaFranca Barreto, A. M.1993Masters thesis Universidade de Sao Paulo0001
3682Rec № 2942A Formação Rio Claro e depósitos associados sedimentação neocenozóica na Depressão Periférica PaulistaDe Melo, M. S.1995Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)004
3683Rec № 2942A Formação Rio Claro e depósitos associados sedimentação neocenozóica na Depressão Periférica PaulistaDe Melo, M. S.1995Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo0004
3684Rec № 2929Caracterización de heterogeneidades Internas de litofacies en una secuencia de la Formacion Betijoque , Valera, EDO. TrujilloLopez V, Marielis F.1992Bachelors thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela0001
3685Rec № 2921Reconsideración de la estratigrafía del valle de Santa María, provincia de Catamarca, ArgentinaBossi, G. E. & Palma, R. M.1982Quinto congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia, Argentina.(not set)1551726
3686Rec № 2921Reconsideración de la estratigrafía del valle de Santa María, provincia de Catamarca, ArgentinaBossi, G. E. & Palma, R. M.1982Quinto congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia, Argentina.01551726
3687Rec № 1427Late Cenozoic deposits of the Tachira Depression and the tectonic evolution of the southern Venezuelan AndesMacellari, C. E.1981Masters thesis, Ohio State University0002
3688Rec № 1427Late Cenozoic deposits of the Tachira Depression and the tectonic evolution of the southern Venezuelan AndesMacellari, C. E.1981Masters thesis, Ohio State University(not set)002
3689Rec № 3207Composition and provenance history of late Cenozoic sediments in southeastern Bolivia: Implications for Chaco foreland basin evolution and Andean upliftHulka, C. & Heubeck, C.2010Journal of sedimentary Research802882995
3690Rec № 1097Estratigrafia y sedimentologia de la Quebrada de Arca Yaco (Tolombon, provincia de Salta, Argentina)Palma, R. M.1978Acta Geol. Lilloana1559781
3691Rec № 3049Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analysesVeloso, E. E., Anma, R., Ota, T., Komiya, T., Kagashima, S. I., & Yamazaki, T.2007Sed. Geol.2014464602
3692Rec № 3137Paleocurrent patterns of the sedimentary sequence of the Taitao ophiolite constrained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic analysesVeloso, E. E., Anma, R., Ota, T., Komiya, T., Kagashima, S. I., & Yamazaki, T.2007Sed. Geol.2014464602
3693Rec № 3214Sediment accumulation on the Andean Orgenic Wedge: Oligocene to late Miocene basins of the Eastern Cordillera, southern BoliviaHorton, B. K.1998Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.1101174119217
3694Rec № 1404Geology of the Lower Tertiary Gualanday Group Upper Magdalena Valley, ColumbiaAnderson, T. A.1970Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University(not set)009
3695Rec № 3242Cenozoic orogenic growth in the central Andes: Evidence from sedimentary rock provenance and apatite fission track thermochronology in the Fiambala basin, southernmost Puna Plateau margin (NW Argentina)Carrapa,B, Strecker; M. R. & Sobel, E. R.2006Earth and Planetary Science Letters247821003
3696Rec № 2975Geologia sedimentaria de una zona de los distritos Miranda y Democracia estado Falcon, VenezuelaMedina, L. M.1979Masters thesis, University of Central Veneuela(not set)0052
3697Rec № 2975Geologia sedimentaria de una zona de los distritos Miranda y Democracia estado Falcon, VenezuelaMedina, L. M.1979Masters thesis, University of Central Veneuela00052
3698Rec № 2894An Environmental reconstruction of the Palaeo-Amazon river system (middle-late Miocene, NW Amazonia)Hoorn, C.1994Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo1121872382
3699Rec № 2940A Formação Pariqüera-Açu e depósitos relacionados: sedimentação, tectônica e geomorfogêneseDe Melo, M. S.1990Masters thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo(not set)0036
3700Rec № 2940A Formação Pariqüera-Açu e depósitos relacionados: sedimentação, tectônica e geomorfogêneseDe Melo, M. S.1990Masters thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo00036