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Showing 2,201-2,300 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
2201Rec № 1575Sedimentation in the Early Cretaceous Foreland Basin: the Cloverly Formation, Maverick Springs Dome, Wind River Basin, WyomingMuffler, S. A.1986Masters thesis, Indiana University(not set)0021
2202Rec № 1575Sedimentation in the Early Cretaceous Foreland Basin: the Cloverly Formation, Maverick Springs Dome, Wind River Basin, WyomingMuffler, S. A.1986Masters thesis, Indiana University00021
2203Rec № 1580Sedimentology of a rapidly aggrading fluvial systemPhillips, B. E.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois(not set)0021
2204Rec № 1580Sedimentology of a rapidly aggrading fluvial systemPhillips, B. E.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois00021
2205Rec № 1587Timing and tectonic significance of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous nonmarine sediments, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and MontanaWinn, R. D. & Dott,Jr., R. H.1986Masters thesis, University of Wyoming(not set)0023
2206Rec № 2746Non-marine sedimentation in the overfilled part of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Cordilleran foreland basin: Morrison and Cloverly Formations, central Wyoming, USADeCelles, P. G. & Burden, E. T.1992Basin Research429131328
2207Rec № 2748Intrabasinal tectonic control on fluvial sandstone bodies in the Cloverly Formation (Early Cretaceous), west-central Wyoming, USAMeyers, J. H., Suttner, L. J., Furer, L. C., May, M. T., & Soreghan, M. J.1992Basin Research431533317
2208Rec № 1237Evaluation of conformities in upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous nonmarine deposits, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana, USAWinn, R. D. & Dott,Jr., R. H.1987Sed. Geol5318120223
2209Rec № 1477Sedimentary petrology of post-Madison-pre Kootenai rock, north Flank of Little Belt Mountains, MontanaBallard, W. W.1961Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin(not set)0018
2210Rec № 2177Petrology of the Early Cretaceous Yucca Formation, southern Quitman Mountains and Vicinity, Trans-Pecos TexasCampbell, D. H.1968Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University0001
2211Rec № 1918Sedimentology, provenance, and paleotectonic significance of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation, Cortez Mountains, NevadaSuydam, J. D.1988Masters thesis, Montana State University(not set)008
2212Rec № 1918Sedimentology, provenance, and paleotectonic significance of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation, Cortez Mountains, NevadaSuydam, J. D.1988Masters thesis, Montana State University0008
2213Rec № 1920Sedimentology, Provenance, and tectonic implications of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation, east-central NevadaVandervoort, D. S.1987Masters thesis, Montana State University(not set)008
2214Rec № 1920Sedimentology, Provenance, and tectonic implications of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation, east-central NevadaVandervoort, D. S.1987Masters thesis, Montana State University0008
2215Rec № 2298Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in the Cortez Mountains, north central NevadaBiglow, C. C.1986Masters thesis, Eastern Washington University(not set)0020
2216Rec № 2298Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in the Cortez Mountains, north central NevadaBiglow, C. C.1986Masters thesis, Eastern Washington University00020
2217Rec № 552Grain fabrics in turbidite sandstone beds and their relationship to sole mark trends on the same bedsColburn, I. P.1968J. Sed. Pet.381461581
2218Rec № 771Fan delta sedimentation: an example from Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous of Milne Land, central GreenlandSykes, R. M. & Brand, R. P.1976Geol. Mijnbouw551952032
2219Rec № 220Wind directions in Late Paleozoic to Middle Paleozoic time on the Colorado PlateauPoole. F. G.1962U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper45014715128
2220Rec № 1115Sedimentology of the Dezadeash Flysch and its implications for strike-slip faulting along the Denali Fault, Yukon Territory and AlaskaEisbacher, G. H.1976Can. J. Earth Sci.131495151314
2221Rec № 2418Depositional themes in a Turbidite Succession Dezadeash Formation (Jura-Cretaceous), YukonLowey, G. W.1980Masters thesis, University of Calgary0004
2222Rec № 2418Depositional themes in a Turbidite Succession Dezadeash Formation (Jura-Cretaceous), YukonLowey, G. W.1980Masters thesis, University of Calgary(not set)004
2223Rec № 2343Sedimentology of a prograding shallow marine slope and shelf sequence, Upper Jurassic Fernie-Kootenay Transition, southern front rangesHamblin, A. P.1978Masters thesis, McMaster University(not set)0018
2224Rec № 2343Sedimentology of a prograding shallow marine slope and shelf sequence, Upper Jurassic Fernie-Kootenay Transition, southern front rangesHamblin, A. P.1978Masters thesis, McMaster University00018
2225Rec № 2065Depositional and tectonic setting of the Ephraim Formation, southeastern Idaho and western WyomingSippel, K. N.1982Masters thesis, University of Wyoming(not set)007
2226Rec № 2065Depositional and tectonic setting of the Ephraim Formation, southeastern Idaho and western WyomingSippel, K. N.1982Masters thesis, University of Wyoming0007
2227Rec № 1466The sedimentology, coal petrology and trace element geochemistry of coal-bearing sequences from Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada, and southeastern Nebraska, U.S.AKaplan, S. S.1980Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh0001
2228Rec № 156Current-controlled deposition of abyssal Upper Jurassic to Neocomian sediments adjacent to the western Bahama EscarpmentMountain, G. S.1981Geol. Soc. Amer. Abs.1351501
2229Rec № 1067Tectonic significance of Upper Mesozoic Methow-Pasayten sequence, northeastern Cascade Range, Washington and British Columbia. In: Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United StatesTennyson, M. E. & Cole, M. R.1978Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Pacific Section04995086
2230Rec № 2160Stratigraphy, sedimentology and environments of deposition of the Morrison (Upper Jurassic) Formation Ojito Spring Quadrangle, Sandoval County, New MexicoFlesch, G. A.1975Masters thesis, University of New Mexico(not set)0048
2231Rec № 94Depositional setting of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, southwest ColoradoTyler, N. & Ethridge, F. G.1983J. Sed. Pet.5367821
2232Rec № 221Direction of sediment transport in the Triassic and associated formations of the Colorado PlateauPoole, F. G. & Williams, G. A.1956U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper3002272318
2233Rec № 222Sedimentary features of upper sandstone lenses of the Salt Wash Member and their relation to uranium-vanadium deposits in the Uravan district, Montrose County, ColoradoBoardman, R. L., Ebren, E. B. & Bowers, H. E.1956U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper3002212261
2234Rec № 971Reservoir geometry of a fluvial sheet sandstoneCampbell, C. V.1976Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.60100910204
2235Rec № 1331Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Morrison Formation (Jurassic), Ojito Spring Quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico: A preliminary discussionFlesch, G.1974New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook(not set)1851952
2236Rec № 1331Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Morrison Formation (Jurassic), Ojito Spring Quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico: A preliminary discussionFlesch, G.1974New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook01851952
2237Rec № 1349(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)
2238Rec № 1587Timing and tectonic significance of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous nonmarine sediments, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and MontanaWinn, R. D. & Dott,Jr., R. H.1986Masters thesis, University of Wyoming00023
2239Rec № 1597Jurassic depositional history and vanadium-uranium deposits, Slick Rock District, Colorado PlateauTyler, N.1981Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University(not set)0017
2240Rec № 1597Jurassic depositional history and vanadium-uranium deposits, Slick Rock District, Colorado PlateauTyler, N.1981Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University00017
2241Rec № 1605Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Morrison Formation in the Canon City, Colorado areaEnciso, G.1979Masters thesis, University of Kansas(not set)004
2242Rec № 1605Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Morrison Formation in the Canon City, Colorado areaEnciso, G.1979Masters thesis, University of Kansas0004
2243Rec № 1613Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Sandstones (Upper Jurassic) in portions of Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties, ColoradoHartner, J. D.1985Masters thesis, Colorado State University(not set)003
2244Rec № 1613Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Sandstones (Upper Jurassic) in portions of Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties, ColoradoHartner, J. D.1985Masters thesis, Colorado State University0003
2245Rec № 1669The sedimentology, depositional setting and age of the Morrison(?) Formation in central UtahStuecheli, P. J.1984Masters thesis, Ohio State University(not set)004
2246Rec № 1669The sedimentology, depositional setting and age of the Morrison(?) Formation in central UtahStuecheli, P. J.1984Masters thesis, Ohio State University0004
2247Rec № 1987Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation near Capitol Reef National Park, UtahPetersen, L. M. & Roylance, M. M.1982Masters thesis, Brigham Young University00038
2248Rec № 2115Petrology of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Henry Basin, UtahJensen, T. R.1982Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University(not set)002
2249Rec № 2115Petrology of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Henry Basin, UtahJensen, T. R.1982Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University0002
2250Rec № 2126The depositional environment of the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation Slick Rock District, San Miguel County, ColoradoWard, A. W. & Greeley, R.1981Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(not set)006
2251Rec № 2126The depositional environment of the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation Slick Rock District, San Miguel County, ColoradoWard, A. W. & Greeley, R.1981Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology0006
2252Rec № 2130Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation in Grand and Emery Counties, UtahSexsmith, S. L.1980Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(not set)0015
2253Rec № 2130Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation in Grand and Emery Counties, UtahSexsmith, S. L.1980Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology00015
2254Rec № 2131Interpreted depositional environments of the Salt Wash and lower members of the Morrison Formation, Grand County, UtahRaby, A. G.1982Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(not set)0016
2255Rec № 2131Interpreted depositional environments of the Salt Wash and lower members of the Morrison Formation, Grand County, UtahRaby, A. G.1982Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology00016
2256Rec № 2133Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Member and recapture Creek Member of the Morrison Formation in southern Montezuma Canyon, San Juan County, UtahLowe, R. S.1981Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute Of Mining and Technology(not set)0011
2257Rec № 2133Depositional environments of the Salt Wash Member and recapture Creek Member of the Morrison Formation in southern Montezuma Canyon, San Juan County, UtahLowe, R. S.1981Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute Of Mining and Technology00011
2258Rec № 2135Depositional environment of the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation Montezuma Canyon, San Juan County, UtahLeBaron, M. R.1980Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute Of Mining and Technology(not set)004
2259Rec № 2135Depositional environment of the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation Montezuma Canyon, San Juan County, UtahLeBaron, M. R.1980Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute Of Mining and Technology0004
2260Rec № 2228Implications of an eolian sandstone unit of the basal Morrison Formation, central WyomingWebb, T. C.1988Masters thesis, Iowa State University(not set)0017
2261Rec № 2228Implications of an eolian sandstone unit of the basal Morrison Formation, central WyomingWebb, T. C.1988Masters thesis, Iowa State University00017
2262Rec № 2283Sedimentology of the Morrison and related Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Rocks, central WyomingDeVine, C. S.1985Masters thesis, University of Missouri0001
2263Rec № 2511Fluvial sedimentology of a major uranium-bearing sandstone- a study of the Westwater Canyon member of the Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, New MexicoTurner-Peterson, C. E.1986In: Turner-Peterson, C.E., Santos E.S. & Fishman, N.S. (eds.), A Basin Analysis Case Study: Morrison Formation, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico(not set)477534
2264Rec № 2511Fluvial sedimentology of a major uranium-bearing sandstone- a study of the Westwater Canyon member of the Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, New MexicoTurner-Peterson, C. E.1986In: Turner-Peterson, C.E., Santos E.S. & Fishman, N.S. (eds.), A Basin Analysis Case Study: Morrison Formation, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico0477534
2265Rec № 2651Variations in fluvial style in the West Water Canyon Member, Morrison Formation (Jurassic), San Juan Basin, Colorado PlateauMiall, A. D. & Turner-Peterson, C. E.1989Sed. Geol.6321607
2266Rec № 1841Franciscan and related rocks of southern Humboldt County, northern California coast ranges: Analysis of structures, tectonics, sedimentary petrology, paleogeography, depositional history, and thermal maturityUnderwood, M. B.1984Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University0001
2267Rec № 1579Depositional environments of the 'Lower Sundance' Formation (Upper Jurassic) of the eastern Wyoming RegionRautman, C. A.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin(not set)0021
2268Rec № 1579Depositional environments of the 'Lower Sundance' Formation (Upper Jurassic) of the eastern Wyoming RegionRautman, C. A.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin00021
2269Rec № 69Sediment dispersal patterns of oolitic calcarenite in the Sundance Formation (Jurassic), WyomingStone, R. & Vondra, C. F.1972J. Sed. Pet.422272292
2270Rec № 1553A field Study of the Jurassic 'Lower Sundance' beds in southeastern WyomingDresser, H. W.1959Doctoral dissertation, University of Wyoming(not set)0010
2271Rec № 1553A field Study of the Jurassic 'Lower Sundance' beds in southeastern WyomingDresser, H. W.1959Doctoral dissertation, University of Wyoming00010
2272Rec № 2227Sedimentology of the Sundance Formation, northern WyomingUhlir, D. M.1987Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University(not set)0018
2273Rec № 2227Sedimentology of the Sundance Formation, northern WyomingUhlir, D. M.1987Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University00018
2274Rec № 2593Tidal inlet sequence, Sundance Formation (Upper Jurassic), north-central WyomingUhlir, D., Akers, A. & Vondra, C.1988Sedimentology357397524
2275Rec № 1477Sedimentary petrology of post-Madison-pre Kootenai rock, north Flank of Little Belt Mountains, MontanaBallard, W. W.1961Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin00018
2276Rec № 2482A diagenetic interpretation and provenance study of the 'Jackson', 'Currier', 'McEvoy', and 'Devil's Claw' units of the Groundhog Coalfield, Bowser Basin, British ColumbiaLorenzetti, G. M.1985Bachelors thesis, University of British Columbia(not set)0032
2277Rec № 2482A diagenetic interpretation and provenance study of the 'Jackson', 'Currier', 'McEvoy', and 'Devil's Claw' units of the Groundhog Coalfield, Bowser Basin, British ColumbiaLorenzetti, G. M.1985Bachelors thesis, University of British Columbia00032
2278Rec № 1349(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)00010
2279Rec № 100The paleoenvironments of the Summerville Formation on the west side of the San Rafael Swell, Emery County, UtahStanton, R. G.1976Masters thesis, Brigham Young University0001
2280Rec № 123Paleoenvironments of the Upper Jurassic Summerville Formation near Capitol Reef National Park, UtahPetersen, S. M.1982Masters thesis, Brigham Young University0001
2281Rec № 2096A detailed stratigraphic and environmental analysis of the San Rafael Group (Jurassic) between Black Mesa, Arizona and the southern Kaiparowits Plateau, UtahJohnston, I. M.1975Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona(not set)0054
2282Rec № 1630Eolian bedform reconstruction - a case study from the Page Sandstone (Jurassic), Northern ArizonaKnight, J.1986Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin(not set)0022
2283Rec № 1630Eolian bedform reconstruction - a case study from the Page Sandstone (Jurassic), Northern ArizonaKnight, J.1986Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin00022
2284Rec № 2172Depositional history of Middle Jurassic clastic shoreline sequences in southwestern UtahCaputo, M. V.1980Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University(not set)002
2285Rec № 2172Depositional history of Middle Jurassic clastic shoreline sequences in southwestern UtahCaputo, M. V.1980Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University0002
2286Rec № 1621Erg reconstruction: the Entrada Sandstone (Jurassic) of northern Utah and ColoradoKocurek, G.1981Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin(not set)0022
2287Rec № 2214Origin of sedimentary facies in the Upper San Rafael Group (Middle Jurassic) east central UtahCaputo, M. V.1988Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati(not set)0028
2288Rec № 2214Origin of sedimentary facies in the Upper San Rafael Group (Middle Jurassic) east central UtahCaputo, M. V.1988Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati00028
2289Rec № 1328Depositional history of Middle Jurassic clastic shoreline sequences in southwestern UtahCaputo, M. V.1980Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University0003
2290Rec № 1328Depositional history of Middle Jurassic clastic shoreline sequences in southwestern UtahCaputo, M. V.1980Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University(not set)003
2291Rec № 1319Deep-water density current deposits of Delaware Mountain Group (Permian), Delaware Basin, Texas and New Mexico.Harms, J. C. & Williamson, C. R.1988Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.722993174
2292Rec № 1481Influence of local structures on sedimentary cycles of Late Pennsylvanian beds of the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County, New MexicoWillis, G. C.1967In: Elam, J.G.and S. Chuber (eds.), Cyclic sedimentation in the Permian Basin, Symposium, West Texa010011010
2293Rec № 2004An analysis, and comparison of pebbles from the Chinle and Morrison Formations, Arizona and New MexicoDodge, C. N.1973Masters thesis, University of Arizona(not set)0033
2294Rec № 2300The fluvial sedimentology of the Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation (Jurassic), San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USACowan, E. J.1990Masters thesis, University of Toronto(not set)0018
2295Rec № 2300The fluvial sedimentology of the Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation (Jurassic), San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USACowan, E. J.1990Masters thesis, University of Toronto00018
2296Rec № 2160Stratigraphy, sedimentology and environments of deposition of the Morrison (Upper Jurassic) Formation Ojito Spring Quadrangle, Sandoval County, New MexicoFlesch, G. A.1975Masters thesis, University of New Mexico00048
2297Rec № 1843Geology of the York Mountain area, southern coast ranges, CaliforniaCallender, J. F.1975Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University0002
2298Rec № 1843Geology of the York Mountain area, southern coast ranges, CaliforniaCallender, J. F.1975Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University(not set)002
2299Rec № 648Upper Jurassic paleogeography of the Four Corners RegionTanner, W.1965J. Sed. Pet.3556457429
2300Rec № 761Significance of interdune deposits and bounding surfaces in aeolian dune sandsKocurek, G.1981Sedimentology2875378010