Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 7,701-7,800 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
Data RefID #7701
[Rec № 119] Sedimentary facies of an arid zone delta: Gascoyne Delta, western Australia
Johnson, D. P.
J. Sed. Pet., 1982, , Vol 52
Pages 547 - 563 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine shallowtopographysandstoneView
Data RefID #7702
[Rec № 142] Dune forms and wind regime
Fryberger, S. G.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 157 - 169 , Total Record: 16
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)current directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7703
[Rec № 142] Dune forms and wind regime
Fryberger, S. G.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 157 - 169 , Total Record: 16
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)current directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7704
[Rec № 206] Alluvial fan deposits
Nilsen, T. H.
P. Scholle & D. Spearing (eds) Sandstone Depositional Environments, 1982, « Missing Vol »
Pages 49 - 86 , Total Record: 10
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)topographysandstoneFountainView
7705 Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #7706
[Rec № 460] Sedimentary and tectonic processes in the Bengal deep-sea fan and geosyncline
Murray, J. & Moore, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 617 - 627 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7707
[Rec № 464] Denudation rates in northeast Papua from Potassium-Argon dating of lavas
Ruxton, B. & McDougall, I.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 545 - 567 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7708
[Rec № 467] Late Quaternary history, climate and oceanography of the Timor Sea, northwestern Australia
van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Moore, T. C., & McGeary, D. F.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 737 - 758 , Total Record: 4
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7709
[Rec № 467] Late Quaternary history, climate and oceanography of the Timor Sea, northwestern Australia
van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Moore, T. C., & McGeary, D. F.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 737 - 758 , Total Record: 4
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7710
[Rec № 467] Late Quaternary history, climate and oceanography of the Timor Sea, northwestern Australia
van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Moore, T. C., & McGeary, D. F.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 737 - 758 , Total Record: 4
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7711
[Rec № 467] Late Quaternary history, climate and oceanography of the Timor Sea, northwestern Australia
van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Moore, T. C., & McGeary, D. F.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 737 - 758 , Total Record: 4
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7712
[Rec № 475] Worldwide delivery of river sediments to the oceans
Melleman, J. & Meade, R.
J. Geol., 1983, , Vol 91
Pages 1 - 22 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7713
[Rec № 475] Worldwide delivery of river sediments to the oceans
Melleman, J. & Meade, R.
J. Geol., 1983, , Vol 91
Pages 1 - 22 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7714
[Rec № 475] Worldwide delivery of river sediments to the oceans
Melleman, J. & Meade, R.
J. Geol., 1983, , Vol 91
Pages 1 - 22 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7715
[Rec № 570] The Capricorn Reef Complex, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Maiklem, W. R.
J. Sed. Pet., 1968, , Vol 38
Pages 785 - 798 , Total Record: 2
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine shallowcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7716
[Rec № 570] The Capricorn Reef Complex, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Maiklem, W. R.
J. Sed. Pet., 1968, , Vol 38
Pages 785 - 798 , Total Record: 2
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine shallowcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7717
[Rec № 599] Disconformities and paleoceanography in the southeast Indian Ocean during the past 5.4 million years
Osborn, N. T., Ciesielski, P. F. & Ledbetter, M. T.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1983, , Vol 94
Pages 1345 - 1358 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7718
[Rec № 599] Disconformities and paleoceanography in the southeast Indian Ocean during the past 5.4 million years
Osborn, N. T., Ciesielski, P. F. & Ledbetter, M. T.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1983, , Vol 94
Pages 1345 - 1358 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7719
[Rec № 599] Disconformities and paleoceanography in the southeast Indian Ocean during the past 5.4 million years
Osborn, N. T., Ciesielski, P. F. & Ledbetter, M. T.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1983, , Vol 94
Pages 1345 - 1358 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianRecent47000Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7720
[Rec № 466] Vegetation and climate around 10,000 B.P. in Central Japan
Tsukada, M.
Amer. Jour. Sci., 1967, , Vol 265
Pages 562 - 585 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46914Indo-Australianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneFussa MagnaView
Data RefID #7721
[Rec № 546] Black and brown speckled foraminiferal sand from the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef
Maiklem, W. R.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 1023 - 1030 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianmarine shallowcurrent directionsandstoneRecentView
Data RefID #7722
[Rec № 546] Black and brown speckled foraminiferal sand from the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef
Maiklem, W. R.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 1023 - 1030 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianmarine shallowcurrent directionsandstoneRecentView
Data RefID #7723
[Rec № 546] Black and brown speckled foraminiferal sand from the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef
Maiklem, W. R.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 1023 - 1030 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianmarine shallowcurrent directionsandstoneRecentView
Data RefID #7724
[Rec № 566] The texture of talus in Tasmania
Caine, N.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 796 - 803 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7725
[Rec № 566] The texture of talus in Tasmania
Caine, N.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 796 - 803 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7726
[Rec № 566] The texture of talus in Tasmania
Caine, N.
J. Sed. Pet., 1967, , Vol 37
Pages 796 - 803 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7727
[Rec № 760] Aeolian oriented clasts in beach sediments
Jones, B. G.
Sedimentology, 1981, , Vol 28
Pages 419 - 422 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7728
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7729
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7730
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7731
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7732
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7733
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7734
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7735
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7736
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7737
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7738
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7739
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7740
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7741
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7742
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7743
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7744
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7745
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7746
[Rec № 917] The sand ridge deserts of south Australia and related aeolian landforms of the Quaternary arid cycles
King, D.
Trans. Royal Soc. S. Australia, 1960, , Vol 83
Pages 99 - 108 , Total Record: 19
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7747
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7748
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7749
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7750
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7751
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7752
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7753
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7754
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7755
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7756
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7757
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7758
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7759
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7760
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7761
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7762
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7763
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7764
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7765
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7766
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7767
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7768
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7769
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7770
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7771
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7772
[Rec № 959] Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta
Coleman, J. M., Gagliano, S. M. & Smith, W. G.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1970, , Vol 15
Pages 185 - 197 , Total Record: 18
Indo-AustralianPleistocene-Recent46910Indo-Australianfluvial deltaicpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7773
[Rec № 204] Sedimentation and thrusting of Late Mesozoic rocks in the Coast Ranges near Clear Lake, California
Sive, E. & Dickenson, W. R.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1970, , Vol 81
Pages 165 - 188 , Total Record: 3
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46811Indo-Australianmarine deepcurrent directionsiltstone or turbiditesGreat ValleyView
Data RefID #7774
[Rec № 2704] Grain fabric of hummocky and swaley cross-stratification
Yagishita, K.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 78
Pages 181 - 189 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46513Indo-Australianmarine shallowripple markssandstoneYabuView
Data RefID #7775
[Rec № 1123] A mechanical analysis of the sand layer with diagonal bedding in the Pleistocene Miyata Formation
Nagahama, H. & Osada, T.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1973, , Vol 24
Pages 461 - 468 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46411Indo-Australianalluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandMiyataView
Data RefID #7776
[Rec № 2784] Open-ocean to trench turbidity-current flow in the Nankai Trough: Flow collapse and reflection
Pickering, K. T., Underwood, M. B. & Tairp, A.
Geology, 1992, , Vol 20
Pages 1099 - 1102 , Total Record: 2
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46218Indo-Australianmarine deepimbricationsiltstone or turbiditesShikoku BasinView
Data RefID #7777
[Rec № 2784] Open-ocean to trench turbidity-current flow in the Nankai Trough: Flow collapse and reflection
Pickering, K. T., Underwood, M. B. & Tairp, A.
Geology, 1992, , Vol 20
Pages 1099 - 1102 , Total Record: 2
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46218Indo-Australianmarine deepripple markssiltstone or turbiditesShikoku BasinView
Data RefID #7778
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7779
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7780
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7781
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7782
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7783
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7784
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7785
[Rec № 1151] Paleocurrents of the Koshiba Formation in the Kazusa Group, southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Nagahama, H., Arai, J. & Naganuma, Y.
Japan Geol. Surv. Bull., 1974, , Vol 25
Pages 223 - 236 , Total Record: 8
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46216Indo-Australianmarine generalcrossbeddingcarbonate sandKoshibaView
Data RefID #7786
[Rec № 232] Analytical study of turbidites, Otadi Formation, Boso Peninsula, Japan
Hirayama, J. & Nakajima, T.
Sedimentology, 1977, , Vol 24
Pages 747 - 779 , Total Record: 1
Indo-AustralianPleistocene46214Indo-Australianmarine deepripple markssiltstone or turbiditesOtadaiView
Data RefID #7787
[Rec № 2716] Revision of the marine chronology in the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, based on the isothermal plateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons
Alloway, B. V., Pillans, B. J., Sandu, A. S. & Westgate, J. A.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 82
Pages 299 - 310 , Total Record: 5
Indo-AustralianPlio-Pleistocene45912Indo-Australianalluvialgrain orientationvolcanic or glacialWanganui BasinView
Data RefID #7788
[Rec № 2716] Revision of the marine chronology in the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, based on the isothermal plateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons
Alloway, B. V., Pillans, B. J., Sandu, A. S. & Westgate, J. A.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 82
Pages 299 - 310 , Total Record: 5
Indo-AustralianPlio-Pleistocene45912Indo-Australianalluvialgrain orientationvolcanic or glacialWanganui BasinView
Data RefID #7789
[Rec № 2716] Revision of the marine chronology in the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, based on the isothermal plateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons
Alloway, B. V., Pillans, B. J., Sandu, A. S. & Westgate, J. A.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 82
Pages 299 - 310 , Total Record: 5
Indo-AustralianPlio-Pleistocene45912Indo-Australianalluvialgrain orientationvolcanic or glacialWanganui BasinView
Data RefID #7790
[Rec № 2716] Revision of the marine chronology in the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, based on the isothermal plateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons
Alloway, B. V., Pillans, B. J., Sandu, A. S. & Westgate, J. A.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 82
Pages 299 - 310 , Total Record: 5
Indo-AustralianPlio-Pleistocene45912Indo-Australianalluvialgrain orientationvolcanic or glacialWanganui BasinView
Data RefID #7791
[Rec № 2716] Revision of the marine chronology in the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, based on the isothermal plateau fission-track dating of tephra horizons
Alloway, B. V., Pillans, B. J., Sandu, A. S. & Westgate, J. A.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 82
Pages 299 - 310 , Total Record: 5
Indo-AustralianPlio-Pleistocene45912Indo-Australianalluvialgrain orientationvolcanic or glacialWanganui BasinView
7792 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7793 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7794 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7795 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7796 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7797 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7798 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7799 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView
7800 Indo-AustralianLower Pliocene45124Indo-Australianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAshigarnView