Pathfinder Bible Experience Platform I'm Interested

NamePathfinder Bible Experience Platform
DescriptionApp to help Pathfinder Bible Experience jump into the digital age, moving the event from a paper based to a digital format.  It would support practice quizzes, videos, lessons, teachers guides, etc.

Currently, the Pathfinder Bible Experience is a growing Bible testing event that starts with the study and memorization of books or book of the Bible. There are stages of testing, but the teams of young people start memorizing and studying the Bible books as soon as they can.
DomainWeb App
Required Developers2
Required Participation
CustomerNAD - Youth Ministries
Is Remunerated?Yes
Is Funded?No
Funding Notes
AdvisorsSiegwart Mayr
Created At2023-08-01 08:06:24
Updated At2023-08-01 08:23:36