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Showing 1,301-1,400 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
1301Rec № 2076Late Cenozoic gravel deposits of the Lower Snake River, WashingtonWessel, J. M.1980Masters thesis, Washington State University0003
1302Rec № 2076Late Cenozoic gravel deposits of the Lower Snake River, WashingtonWessel, J. M.1980Masters thesis, Washington State University(not set)003
1303Rec № 2835Middle Cenozoic depositional, tectonic, and sea level history of Southern San Joaquin Basin, CaliforniaDecelles, P. G.1988Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.72129713222
1304Rec № 1849Conglomerates and the reconstruction of strike slip fault zones: Lessons from the transverse ranges, S. CaliforniaSadler, P. M., Kooser, M. A., Renfrew, J. M., & Hillenbrand, J. M.1989In: Colburn, I.P., P.L. Abbott and J. Minch (eds.), Conglomerates in Basin Analysis: Pacific Section SEPM62335242
1305Rec № 1731Petrology, paleocurrents and stratigraphy of the Ellensburg Formation and interbedded Yakima Basalt flows, south central WashingtonSchmincke, H. U.1964Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University(not set)006
1306Rec № 1731Petrology, paleocurrents and stratigraphy of the Ellensburg Formation and interbedded Yakima Basalt flows, south central WashingtonSchmincke, H. U.1964Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University0006
1307Rec № 2581Sedimentology of proximal to distal volcaniclastics dispersed across an active foldbelt Ellensberg Formation (late Miocene), central WashingtonSmith, G.1988Sedimentology3595397714
1308Rec № 2840Neogene synvolcanic and syntectonic sedimentation in central WashingtonSmith, G. A.1988Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.100147914926
1309Rec № 1899Tertiary stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Young's River - Lewis and Clark River area, Clapstop County, OregonNelson, P. N.1978Masters thesis, Oregon State University0001
1310Rec № 932Tarzana fan, deep submarine fan of Late Miocene Age, Los Angeles County, CaliforniaSullwold, Jr., H. H.1960Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.444334578
1311Rec № 1917Sedimentary evolution of the Miocene-Pliocene Camp Davis Basin, northwestern WyomingOlson, T. J.1987Masters thesis, Montana State University(not set)008
1312Rec № 1917Sedimentary evolution of the Miocene-Pliocene Camp Davis Basin, northwestern WyomingOlson, T. J.1987Masters thesis, Montana State University0008
1313Rec № 692Fluvial facies of the Miocene Ridge Route Formation, Ridge Basin, CaliforniaLink, M. H.1984Sed. Geol.382632853
1314Rec № 1971Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic evolution of Baja California Sur, MexicoHausback, B. P.1984Doctoral dissertation, University of California-Berkeley0002
1315Rec № 1971Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic evolution of Baja California Sur, MexicoHausback, B. P.1984Doctoral dissertation, University of California-Berkeley(not set)002
1316Rec № 690Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Upper Miocene Wassuk Group, west-central NevadaGolia, R. T. & J. H. Stewart1984Sed. Geol.381591803
1317Rec № 1656The Late Cenozoic history of the Espanola Basin, New MexicoManley, K.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado(not set)006
1318Rec № 1656The Late Cenozoic history of the Espanola Basin, New MexicoManley, K.1976Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado0006
1319Rec № 953Hydrogeologic significance of Ogallala fluvial environments, the Gang PlankShepherd, R. G. & Owens, W. G.1981Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ.3189943
1320Rec № 1202Playa-lake basins on the southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico: Part I. Hydrologic, geomorphic, and geologic evidence for their developmentOsterkamp, W. R. & Wood, W. W.1987Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.992152233
1321Rec № 2713Contourites in the Fram StraightEiken, O. & K. Hinz1993Sed. Geol.8215327
1322Rec № 2195Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Capistrano Formation, Dana Point area, Orange County, CaliforniaBartow, J. A.1964Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angelas0002
1323Rec № 2195Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Capistrano Formation, Dana Point area, Orange County, CaliforniaBartow, J. A.1964Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angelas(not set)002
1324Rec № 2001Paleocurrent analysis of the Upper Miocene Formations, Los Angeles Basin, CaliforniaBennett, Jr., J. N.1967Masters thesis, University of Arizona(not set)0010
1325Rec № 2001Paleocurrent analysis of the Upper Miocene Formations, Los Angeles Basin, CaliforniaBennett, Jr., J. N.1967Masters thesis, University of Arizona00010
1326Rec № 2031Basin morphology and depositional environments of the Lower Mohnian (Upper Miocene) La Vida member of the Puente Formation, Los Angeles Basin, CaliforniavanDam, D. A.1985Masters thesis, University of Utah(not set)002
1327Rec № 2031Basin morphology and depositional environments of the Lower Mohnian (Upper Miocene) La Vida member of the Puente Formation, Los Angeles Basin, CaliforniavanDam, D. A.1985Masters thesis, University of Utah0002
1328Rec № 1408Lake-margin deposition in an ensialic rift basin-The Miocene Chalk Hills Formation of the southwestern Snake River Plain, IdahoMorley, D. P.1983Masters thesis, University of Michigan0005
1329Rec № 1408Lake-margin deposition in an ensialic rift basin-The Miocene Chalk Hills Formation of the southwestern Snake River Plain, IdahoMorley, D. P.1983Masters thesis, University of Michigan(not set)005
1330Rec № 2071Sedimentology and petrology of the Chalk Hills Formation, southwestern IdahoPorter, M. L.1982Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.(not set)008
1331Rec № 2071Sedimentology and petrology of the Chalk Hills Formation, southwestern IdahoPorter, M. L.1982Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University.0008
1332Rec № 2162Stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology and basin evolution of the Abiquiu Formation, north central New MexicoVazzana, M. E.1980Masters thesis, University of New Mexico(not set)007
1333Rec № 2162Stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology and basin evolution of the Abiquiu Formation, north central New MexicoVazzana, M. E.1980Masters thesis, University of New Mexico0007
1334Rec № 1780Tectonic significance of Early Miocene Basin Formation in the Box Canyon area, Mojave DesertSanner, W. K.1985Masters thesis, University of North Carolina(not set)0013
1335Rec № 1780Tectonic significance of Early Miocene Basin Formation in the Box Canyon area, Mojave DesertSanner, W. K.1985Masters thesis, University of North Carolina00013
1336Rec № 1442Faunas and sediments of the Zia Sand, middle Miocene of New MexicoGawne, C. E.1973Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University(not set)007
1337Rec № 1442Faunas and sediments of the Zia Sand, middle Miocene of New MexicoGawne, C. E.1973Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University0007
1338Rec № 2196Sedimentology, petrology and basin analysis of the Tesuque Formation (Miocene) in the central Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New MexicoCavazza, W.1985Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angeles0003
1339Rec № 2196Sedimentology, petrology and basin analysis of the Tesuque Formation (Miocene) in the central Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New MexicoCavazza, W.1985Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angeles(not set)003
1340Rec № 2549Sedimentation pattern of a rift-filling unit, Tesuque formation (Miocene), Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New MexicoCavazza, W.1989J. Sed. Pet.592872962
1341Rec № 2782Discrimination of eolian and pyroclastic-surge processes in the generation of cross-bedded tuffs, Jemez Mountains volcanic field, New MexicoSmith, G. A. & Katzman, D.1991Geology194654681
1342Rec № 1683Paleontology, paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the Rhinoceros Hill Fauna (Hemphillian: Latest Miocene), and sedimentology of the enclosing Ogallala Formation, Ash Hollow Member, Wallace County, KansasBennett, D. K.1974Masters thesis, University of Kansas0001
1343Rec № 1803Cetacean Paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Yorktown and St. Mary's Formations, Surry County, VirginiaBaum, G. R.1974Masters thesis, University of North Carolina0001
1344Rec № 1645The Flaxville Formation in the Scobey-Opheim area, northeastern MontanaWhisonant, R. C.1980Masters thesis, University of Colorado(not set)0017
1345Rec № 1645The Flaxville Formation in the Scobey-Opheim area, northeastern MontanaWhisonant, R. C.1980Masters thesis, University of Colorado00017
1346Rec № 280Gulf Stream: Velocity fluctuations during the late CenozoicKaneps, A. G.1979Science2042973011
1347Rec № 2143Stratigraphy and depositional environments of a marine-nonmarine Plio-Pleistocene sequence, Western Salton Trough, CaliforniaRicherdson, S. M.1984Masters thesis, San Diego State University(not set)006
1348Rec № 2557Fossil leaves and fruits as indicators of paleotransport in a Miocene lake from northern IdahoBoyd, A.1991J. Sed. Pet.6126927913
1349Rec № 2156(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)
1350Rec № 2050Tertiary sedimentary facies, depositional environments, and structure, Jefferson Basin, southwest MontanaAxelrod, R. B.1984Masters thesis, University of Montana(not set)009
1351Rec № 1893Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Onion Peak area, Clatsop County, OregonSmith, T. N.1975Masters thesis, Oregon State University(not set)004
1352Rec № 1892Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Neahkahnie Mountain - Angora Peak area, Tillamook and Clatsop Counties, OregonCressy Jr., F. B.1974Masters thesis, Oregon State University0004
1353Rec № 1892Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Neahkahnie Mountain - Angora Peak area, Tillamook and Clatsop Counties, OregonCressy Jr., F. B.1974Masters thesis, Oregon State University(not set)004
1354Rec № 1893Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Onion Peak area, Clatsop County, OregonSmith, T. N.1975Masters thesis, Oregon State University0004
1355Rec № 1013Depositional environments as interpreted from primary sedimentary structures and stratification sequencesHarms, J. C., Southard, J. B., Spearing, D. R., & Walker, R. G.1975Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Short course292921
1356Rec № 784Characteristics of coarse-grained sequences deposited in nearshore, wave-dominated environments - examples from the Miocene of southwest Oregon.Leithold, E. L. & Bourgeois, J.1984Sedimentology317497755
1357Rec № 768Sedimentary facies in air - fall pyroclastic debris, Aribaree Group (Miocene), northwest Nebraska, U.S.AVicars, R. G. & Breyer, J. A.1981J. Sed. Pet.519099213
1358Rec № 2242A sedimentologic and petrographic study of the Miocene Arikaree Group of southeastern Wyoming and westcentral NebraskaBart, H. A.1974Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska(not set)0013
1359Rec № 2242A sedimentologic and petrographic study of the Miocene Arikaree Group of southeastern Wyoming and westcentral NebraskaBart, H. A.1974Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska00013
1360Rec № 675Cross-bedding and textural variations of the Miocene Hawthorne Formation in northern FloridaEmrich, G.1960J. Sed. Pet.3056156710
1361Rec № 895Chester cross-bedding and sandstone trends in the Illinois basinsPotter, P.1958Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.4210131046368
1362Rec № 2073Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a fluvial and lacustrine interbed near Kendrick, IdahoDrobny, G. F.1981Masters thesis, Washington State University(not set)007
1363Rec № 2073Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a fluvial and lacustrine interbed near Kendrick, IdahoDrobny, G. F.1981Masters thesis, Washington State University0007
1364Rec № 2506Sedimentological constraints on Middle Miocene extensional tectonism of the southern Las Vegas range, southern NevadaDiebert, J. E.1989Masters thesis, University of Nevada-Las Vegas0002
1365Rec № 2506Sedimentological constraints on Middle Miocene extensional tectonism of the southern Las Vegas range, southern NevadaDiebert, J. E.1989Masters thesis, University of Nevada-Las Vegas(not set)002
1366Rec № 1901Sedimentation, stratigraphy and facies variation of the Lower to Middle Miocene Astoria FormationCooper, D. M.1981Doctoral dissertation, Oregon State University(not set)0025
1367Rec № 1901Sedimentation, stratigraphy and facies variation of the Lower to Middle Miocene Astoria FormationCooper, D. M.1981Doctoral dissertation, Oregon State University00025
1368Rec № 1439Volcano-sedimentary evolution and tectonic implications of the Datil Group (Latest Eocene-Early Oligocene), west-central New MexicoCather, S. M.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin(not set)0015
1369Rec № 1439Volcano-sedimentary evolution and tectonic implications of the Datil Group (Latest Eocene-Early Oligocene), west-central New MexicoCather, S. M.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin00015
1370Rec № 2019Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Miocene Colten Formation of Jackson Hole, Teton County, WyomingBarnosky, A. D.1983Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington0001
1371Rec № 2626Sedimentation and extensional basin evolution in a Miocene metamorphic core complex setting, Alvord Mountain, central Mojave Desert, California, USAFillmore, R. P.1993Sedimentology407217427
1372Rec № 2636Sedimentology of a Late Cenozoic collisional sequence: the Misis Complex, Adana, southern TurkeyGökçen, S. L., Kelling, G., Gökçen, N., & Floyd, P. A.1988Sed. Geol.592052352
1373Rec № 2118Tectonics and dispersal of Hayner Basin sediments (Miocene), San Diego Mountain, Dona Ana County, south central New MexicoWalker, J. D.1986Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(not set)0010
1374Rec № 2118Tectonics and dispersal of Hayner Basin sediments (Miocene), San Diego Mountain, Dona Ana County, south central New MexicoWalker, J. D.1986Masters thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology00010
1375Rec № 2138Petrologic description and possible source areas for the Table Mountain Formation of southeastern San Diego County, CaliforniaLorkowski, R. M.1981Masters thesis, San Diego State University(not set)009
1376Rec № 2138Petrologic description and possible source areas for the Table Mountain Formation of southeastern San Diego County, CaliforniaLorkowski, R. M.1981Masters thesis, San Diego State University0009
1377Rec № 2304Stratigraphy, depositional history and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous(?) to Middle Eocene Montgomery Creek Formation, northern CaliforniaHiginbotham, L. R.1986Doctoral dissertation, Oregon State University(not set)008
1378Rec № 2304Stratigraphy, depositional history and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous(?) to Middle Eocene Montgomery Creek Formation, northern CaliforniaHiginbotham, L. R.1986Doctoral dissertation, Oregon State University0008
1379Rec № 657Grain orientation and imbrication in Miocene turbidity current sandstones, CaliforniaSpotts, J.1964J. Sed. Pet.342292531
1380Rec № 1447Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Miocene Williams Sand of the San Joaquin Valley, California, with a note on the neighboring Temblor sandsGilbert, Jr., J. R.1980Masters thesis, University of Massachusetts(not set)0013
1381Rec № 1447Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Miocene Williams Sand of the San Joaquin Valley, California, with a note on the neighboring Temblor sandsGilbert, Jr., J. R.1980Masters thesis, University of Massachusetts00013
1382Rec № 1317The stratigraphic evolution of the El Paso Basin, southern California: Implications for the Miocene development of the Garlock Fault and uplift of the Sierra NevadaLoomis, D. P. & Burbank, D. W.1988Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.10012284
1383Rec № 1326Lower to Middle Miocene stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the El Paso Basin, CaliforniaLoomis, D. P.1984Masters thesis, University of North Carolina0001
1384Rec № 1859Provenance and tectonic implications of Mid-Tertiary nonmarine deposits, Santa Maria Basin and vicinity, CaliforniaAnderson, D. S.1980Masters thesis, University of California0001
1385Rec № 1983Temblor and Big Blue Formations: interpretation of depositional environment sequence on Coalinga anticline, Fresno County, CaliforniaBate, M. A.1984Masters thesis, Stanford University(not set)0011
1386Rec № 1246Variable preservation of Middle Tertiary, coarse-grained, nearshore to outer-shelf storm deposits in southern CaliforniaDeCalles, P. G.1987J. Sed. Pet.572502645
1387Rec № 1879Depositional environments of the Lower and Middle Miocene Temblor Formation of Reef Ridge and Vicinity, Fresno and Kings Counties, CaliforniaCooley, S. A.1982Masters thesis, Stanford University0008
1388Rec № 1879Depositional environments of the Lower and Middle Miocene Temblor Formation of Reef Ridge and Vicinity, Fresno and Kings Counties, CaliforniaCooley, S. A.1982Masters thesis, Stanford University(not set)008
1389Rec № 1881Depositional environments and tectonic history of the type Temblor Formation, Chico Martinez Creek, Kern County, CaliforniaCarter, J. B.1985Masters thesis, Stanford University(not set)004
1390Rec № 1881Depositional environments and tectonic history of the type Temblor Formation, Chico Martinez Creek, Kern County, CaliforniaCarter, J. B.1985Masters thesis, Stanford University0004
1391Rec № 1983Temblor and Big Blue Formations: interpretation of depositional environment sequence on Coalinga anticline, Fresno County, CaliforniaBate, M. A.1984Masters thesis, Stanford University00011
1392Rec № 1993The Temblor Formation: Maricopa to the eastern San Emigdio Mountains, Kern County, CaliforniaGillespie, B. W.1986Masters thesis, Stanford University(not set)005
1393Rec № 1993The Temblor Formation: Maricopa to the eastern San Emigdio Mountains, Kern County, CaliforniaGillespie, B. W.1986Masters thesis, Stanford University0005
1394Rec № 2146Early Neogene continental sedimentation, Western Salon Trough, CaliforniaKerr, D. R.1982Masters thesis, San Diego State University(not set)005
1395Rec № 2146Early Neogene continental sedimentation, Western Salon Trough, CaliforniaKerr, D. R.1982Masters thesis, San Diego State University0005
1396Rec № 2143Stratigraphy and depositional environments of a marine-nonmarine Plio-Pleistocene sequence, Western Salton Trough, CaliforniaRicherdson, S. M.1984Masters thesis, San Diego State University0006
1397Rec № 1864Stratigraphy and sedimentation of Lower Miocene non-marine strata of the Orocopia Mountains: constraints for Late Tertiary Slip on the San Andreas Fault system in southern CaliforniaArthur, M. A.1974Masters thesis, University of California-Riverside(not set)0015
1398Rec № 1864Stratigraphy and sedimentation of Lower Miocene non-marine strata of the Orocopia Mountains: constraints for Late Tertiary Slip on the San Andreas Fault system in southern CaliforniaArthur, M. A.1974Masters thesis, University of California-Riverside00015
1399Rec № 1436Fossil reptile assemblages and depositional environments of selected early tertiary vertebrate bone concentrations, Bighorn Basin, WyomingBartels, W. S.1987Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan0005
1400Rec № 1436Fossil reptile assemblages and depositional environments of selected early tertiary vertebrate bone concentrations, Bighorn Basin, WyomingBartels, W. S.1987Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan(not set)005