Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 701-800 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
Data RefID #701
[Rec № 2712] A sandy, bed-load dominated fluvial system deposited by lateral-accretion: Permian Karoo Sequence, South Africa
Cadle, A. B. & Cairncross, B.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 85
Pages 435 - 455 , Total Record: 9
Data RefID #702
[Rec № 2712] A sandy, bed-load dominated fluvial system deposited by lateral-accretion: Permian Karoo Sequence, South Africa
Cadle, A. B. & Cairncross, B.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 85
Pages 435 - 455 , Total Record: 9
Data RefID #703
[Rec № 2712] A sandy, bed-load dominated fluvial system deposited by lateral-accretion: Permian Karoo Sequence, South Africa
Cadle, A. B. & Cairncross, B.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 85
Pages 435 - 455 , Total Record: 9
Data RefID #704
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #705
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #706
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #707
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #708
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #709
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #710
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #711
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #712
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #713
[Rec № 2871] Monoclines and palaeochannels: Evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa
Lee Roux, J. P.
Journal of African Earth sciences, 1994, , Vol 18
Pages 219 - 226 , Total Record: 10
AfricanPermo-Triassic27911Africanfluvialflute/groovessandstoneBeaufort Group, Karoo BasinView
Data RefID #714
[Rec № 1042] Permo-triassic fluvial systems in the southeastern Karoo Basin, South Africa
Hiller, N. & Stavrakis, N.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1984, , Vol 45
Pages 1 - 21 , Total Record: 17
AfricanUpper Permian27814AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneBalfourView
Data RefID #715
[Rec № 1042] Permo-triassic fluvial systems in the southeastern Karoo Basin, South Africa
Hiller, N. & Stavrakis, N.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1984, , Vol 45
Pages 1 - 21 , Total Record: 17
AfricanUpper Permian27814AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneBalfourView
Data RefID #716
[Rec № 1042] Permo-triassic fluvial systems in the southeastern Karoo Basin, South Africa
Hiller, N. & Stavrakis, N.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1984, , Vol 45
Pages 1 - 21 , Total Record: 17
AfricanUpper Permian27814AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneBalfourView
Data RefID #717
[Rec № 1042] Permo-triassic fluvial systems in the southeastern Karoo Basin, South Africa
Hiller, N. & Stavrakis, N.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1984, , Vol 45
Pages 1 - 21 , Total Record: 17
AfricanUpper Permian27814AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneBalfourView
718 AfricanLower Permian27373Africanfluvialripple markssandstoneReiersulei SandstoneView
719 AfricanLower Permian27372Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneVryheidView
720 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneDwykaView
Data RefID #721
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #722
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #723
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #724
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #725
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #726
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #727
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #728
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #729
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #730
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #731
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #732
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #733
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #734
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #735
[Rec № 892] Regional significance of New Dwyka Glaciation directions from Taung, Cape Province
Stratten, T.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1972, , Vol 75
Pages 301 - 306 , Total Record: 15
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #736
[Rec № 893] The occurrence of Dwyka rocks and glacial topography in the southwestern Transvaal
Gottberg, B. von
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1970, , Vol 73
Pages 99 - 106 , Total Record: 3
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialflute/groovesvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #737
[Rec № 893] The occurrence of Dwyka rocks and glacial topography in the southwestern Transvaal
Gottberg, B. von
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1970, , Vol 73
Pages 99 - 106 , Total Record: 3
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #738
[Rec № 893] The occurrence of Dwyka rocks and glacial topography in the southwestern Transvaal
Gottberg, B. von
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1970, , Vol 73
Pages 99 - 106 , Total Record: 3
AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #739
[Rec № 1022] The Dwyka Formation along the northwestern margin of the Karoo Basin in the Cape Province, South Africa
Visser, J. N.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1985, , Vol 88
Pages 37 - 48 , Total Record: 1
AfricanLower Permian27344AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
740 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
741 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
742 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
743 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
744 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
745 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
746 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
747 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
748 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
749 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
750 AfricanLower Permian27344Africanfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #751
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #752
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #753
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #754
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #755
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #756
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #757
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #758
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #759
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
Data RefID #760
[Rec № 860] Middle Ecca Deltaic deposits in the Muden-Tugela Ferry area of Natal
Hobday, D. K.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1973, , Vol 76
Pages 309 - 318 , Total Record: 10
AfricanLower Permian27323Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTugelaView
761 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
762 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
763 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
764 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
765 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
766 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
767 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
768 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
769 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
770 AfricanLower Permian27314AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneTable Mountain SandstView
Data RefID #771
[Rec № 863] Depositional environment of the Cape Supergroup in the Transkei
Hobday, D. K. & Mathew, D.
Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 1974, , Vol 77
Pages 223 - 227 , Total Record: 1
AfricanLower Permian27312AfricanfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCape SupergroupView
Data RefID #772
[Rec № 423] Paleocurrents and basin analysis
Potter, P. E. & Pettijohn, F. J.
Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis, 1977, , Vol 1
Pages 1 - 425 , Total Record: 46
AfricanLower Permian27210Africanalluvialflute/groovesvolcanic or glacialView
Data RefID #773
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #774
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #775
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #776
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #777
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #778
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #779
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #780
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #781
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #782
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #783
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #784
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #785
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #786
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #787
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #788
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #789
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #790
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #791
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #792
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #793
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #794
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #795
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #796
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
Data RefID #797
[Rec № 1782] Environmental interpretation and tectonic significance of the Wajid Sandstone, Saudi Arabia
Dabbagh, M. E.
Masters thesis, University of North Carolina, 1981, « Missing Vol »
AfricanLower Permian27121Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneWajid SandstoneView
798 AfricanLower Permian27110Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
799 AfricanLower Permian27110Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
800 AfricanLower Permian27110Africanmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView