Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 7,101-7,200 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
Data RefID #7101
[Rec № 964] Evolution of Buntsardstein fluvial sedimentation in the northwest Iberian Ranges (central Spain)
Ramos, A., Sopena, A. & Perez-Arlucea, M.
J. Sed. Pet., 1986, , Vol 56
Pages 862 - 875 , Total Record: 2
IberianMiddle Triassic31465IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneRillo de Gallo SandstView
7102 IberianMiddle Triassic31432IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7103 IberianMiddle Triassic31432IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7104
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7105
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7106
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7107
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7108
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7109
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #7110
[Rec № 2693] Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain
Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 75
Pages 257 - 281 , Total Record: 7
IberianLower Triassic31210IberianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
7111 IberianLower Triassic31101Iberiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
7112 IberianLower Triassic31101Iberiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
7113 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7114 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7115 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7116 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7117 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7118 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7119 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7120 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7121 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7122 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7123 IberianLower Permian27343Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePeraneraView
7124 IberianCarbonifero-Permian26910Iberiansubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneNo NameView
7125 IberianCarbonifero-Permian26910Iberiansubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneNo NameView
7126 IberianCarbonifero-Permian26910Iberiansubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneNo NameView
7127 IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26750Iberiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7128
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7129
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7130
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7131
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7132
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7133
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
Data RefID #7134
[Rec № 926] Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan.
Rupke, N. A.
J. Geol., 1977, , Vol 85
Pages 725 - 744 , Total Record: 7
IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26535Iberianmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstonePesageuro FanView
7135 IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26410Iberiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneAguiroView
7136 IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26410Iberiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneAguiroView
7137 IberianUpper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)26410IberianalluvialimbricationconglomerateMieresView
7138 IberianLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25311Iberianlacustrineturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesMatallanaView
7139 IberianLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25311Iberianlacustrineripple markssiltstone or turbiditesMatallanaView
7140 IberianLower Devonian24222Iberianalluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesPortilla LimestoneView
7141 IberianLower Silurian23110Iberianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7142 IberianUpper Cambrian21625Iberianmarine shallowripple markssandstoneCabos SeriesView
7143 IberianUpper Cambrian21610Iberianmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
7144 IberianUpper Cambrian21610Iberianmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
7145 IberianUpper Cambrian21610Iberianmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #7146
[Rec № 144] Regional studies of sand seas, using Landsat (ERTS) imagery
Breed, C. S., Fryberger, S. G., Andrews, S., McCauley, C., Lennartz, F., Gebel, D. & Horstman, K.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 305 - 397 , Total Record: 31
IndianRecent47000Indiansubaerial (eolian)current directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7147
[Rec № 144] Regional studies of sand seas, using Landsat (ERTS) imagery
Breed, C. S., Fryberger, S. G., Andrews, S., McCauley, C., Lennartz, F., Gebel, D. & Horstman, K.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 305 - 397 , Total Record: 31
IndianRecent47000Indiansubaerial (eolian)current directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7148
[Rec № 206] Alluvial fan deposits
Nilsen, T. H.
P. Scholle & D. Spearing (eds) Sandstone Depositional Environments, 1982, « Missing Vol »
Pages 49 - 86 , Total Record: 10
IndianRecent47000Indiansubaerial (eolian)topographysandstoneFountainView
Data RefID #7149
[Rec № 475] Worldwide delivery of river sediments to the oceans
Melleman, J. & Meade, R.
J. Geol., 1983, , Vol 91
Pages 1 - 22 , Total Record: 18
IndianRecent47000Indianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7150
[Rec № 559] Studies on orientation and imbrication of pebbles with respect to cross-stratification
Sengupta, S.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 362 - 369 , Total Record: 11
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7151
[Rec № 559] Studies on orientation and imbrication of pebbles with respect to cross-stratification
Sengupta, S.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 362 - 369 , Total Record: 11
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7152
[Rec № 559] Studies on orientation and imbrication of pebbles with respect to cross-stratification
Sengupta, S.
J. Sed. Pet., 1966, , Vol 36
Pages 362 - 369 , Total Record: 11
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianfluvialcurrent directionsandstoneView
Data RefID #7153
[Rec № 956] Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition, and importance
Bigarella, J. J.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 12 - 62 , Total Record: 88
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indiansubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #7154
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7155
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7156
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7157
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7158
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7159
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7160
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7161
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7162
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7163
[Rec № 1091] Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India)
Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P.
Geol. Mag., 1974, , Vol 111
Pages 1 - 96 , Total Record: 10
IndianPleistocene-Recent46910Indianalluvialcrossbeddingcarbonate sandView
Data RefID #7164
[Rec № 175] The Thal Interfluve, Pakistan: Geomorphology and depositional history
Higgins, G. M., Ahmad, M., & Brinkman, R
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1973, , Vol 52
Pages 147 - 155 , Total Record: 2
IndianPleistocene46000Indianfluvialcurrent directionsiltstone or turbiditesView
7165 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7166 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7167 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7168 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7169 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7170 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7171 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7172 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7173 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7174 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
7175 IndianPlio-Pleistocene45915Indianmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneTatrotView
Data RefID #7176
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialimbricationconglomerateKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7177
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialimbricationconglomerateKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7178
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7179
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialimbricationconglomerateKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7180
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7181
[Rec № 1181] The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya
Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1983, , Vol 43
Pages 205 - 235 , Total Record: 9
IndianUpper Pliocene45616IndianalluvialimbricationconglomerateKashmir BasinView
Data RefID #7182
[Rec № 395] The Siwalik Group (Molasse) - Sediments shed by collision of continental plates
Parkash, B. et. al.
Sed. Geol., 1980, , Vol 25
Pages 127 - 159 , Total Record: 2
Data RefID #7183
[Rec № 395] The Siwalik Group (Molasse) - Sediments shed by collision of continental plates
Parkash, B. et. al.
Sed. Geol., 1980, , Vol 25
Pages 127 - 159 , Total Record: 2
Data RefID #7184
[Rec № 1196] Paleoecology of middle Siwalik sediments and Faunas, Northern Pakistan
Badgley, C. & Behrensmeyer, A. K.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1980, , Vol 30
Pages 133 - 155 , Total Record: 2
IndianMio-Pliocene44927Indianfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #7185
[Rec № 1196] Paleoecology of middle Siwalik sediments and Faunas, Northern Pakistan
Badgley, C. & Behrensmeyer, A. K.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1980, , Vol 30
Pages 133 - 155 , Total Record: 2
IndianMio-Pliocene44927Indianfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
7186 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7187 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7188 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7189 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7190 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7191 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7192 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7193 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7194 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7195 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7196 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7197 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7198 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7199 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
7200 IndianMio-Pliocene44927IndianfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView