Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 5,601-5,700 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
5601 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31453Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneCannock ChaseView
5602 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5603 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5604 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5605 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5606 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5607 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5608 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5609 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5610 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5611 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5612 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5613 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5614 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5615 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5616 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5617 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5618 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
5619 Great BritainMiddle Triassic31432Great Britainfluvialpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #5620
[Rec № 365] Triassic sedimentation and paleogeography in Central Skye
Steel, R. J.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1975, , Vol 11
Pages 1 - 13 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainLower Triassic31110Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneUndeterminedView
Data RefID #5621
[Rec № 365] Triassic sedimentation and paleogeography in Central Skye
Steel, R. J.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1975, , Vol 11
Pages 1 - 13 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainLower Triassic31110Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneUndeterminedView
Data RefID #5622
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5623
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5624
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5625
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5626
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5627
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5628
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5629
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5630
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5631
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5632
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5633
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5634
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5635
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5636
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5637
[Rec № 1159] The lower Bunter sandstones of north Worcestershire and east Shropshire
Shotton, F. W.
Geological Magazine, 1937, , Vol 74
Pages 534 - 553 , Total Record: 16
Great BritainLower Triassic31101Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBunter SandstoneView
Data RefID #5638
[Rec № 3022] Lithostratigraphical subdivision of the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group in west Cumbria
Barnes R., Ambrose K., Holliday D. & Jones N.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1994, , Vol 50
Pages 51 - 60 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainPermo-Triassic27917Great BritainfluvialmiscellaneoussandstoneSt BeesView
5639 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5640 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5641 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5642 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5643 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5644 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5645 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
5646 Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneYellow SandsView
Data RefID #5647
[Rec № 1289] Cross-bedding in the Permian yellow sands of county Durham
Yang, C., Chen, Q., Lu, H., Zhang, H. & Qu, C
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1984, , Vol 45
Pages 11 - 18 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainUpper Permian27812Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
5648 Great BritainUpper Permian27612Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBrothertonView
Data RefID #5649
[Rec № 801] Aeolian stratification and facies association in desert sediments, Arran basin (Permian), Scotland
Clemmensen, L. B. & Abrahamsen, K.
Sedimentology, 1983, , Vol 30
Pages 311 - 339 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainLower Permian27315Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedcarbonate sandArran BasinView
Data RefID #5650
[Rec № 143] Ancient sandstorms considered to be eolian
McKee, E. D.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 187 - 238 , Total Record: 14
Great BritainLower Permian27313Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneBirminghamView
Data RefID #5651
[Rec № 54] Petrology, provenance and silica diagenesis of the Penrith Sandstone (Lower Permian) of northwest England
Watkins, E. A. & Anderson, J. B.
J. Sed. Pet., 1970, , Vol 40
Pages 1226 - 1240 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainLower Permian27223Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstonePenrithView
Data RefID #5652
[Rec № 493] The Lower New Red Sandstone of the Crediton Valley
Hutchins, P.
Geol. Mag., 1963, , Vol 100
Pages 107 - 128 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower New Red SandstoView
Data RefID #5653
[Rec № 493] The Lower New Red Sandstone of the Crediton Valley
Hutchins, P.
Geol. Mag., 1963, , Vol 100
Pages 107 - 128 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower New Red SandstoView
Data RefID #5654
[Rec № 493] The Lower New Red Sandstone of the Crediton Valley
Hutchins, P.
Geol. Mag., 1963, , Vol 100
Pages 107 - 128 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower New Red SandstoView
5655 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5656 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5657 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5658 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5659 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5660 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5661 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5662 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5663 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5664 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5665 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5666 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5667 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5668 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5669 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5670 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5671 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5672 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5673 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5674 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5675 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5676 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5677 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
5678 Great BritainPermian27014Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #5679
[Rec № 143] Ancient sandstorms considered to be eolian
McKee, E. D.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1979, , Vol 1052
Pages 187 - 238 , Total Record: 14
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneRotliegendesView
Data RefID #5680
[Rec № 423] Paleocurrents and basin analysis
Potter, P. E. & Pettijohn, F. J.
Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis, 1977, , Vol 1
Pages 1 - 425 , Total Record: 46
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #5681
[Rec № 423] Paleocurrents and basin analysis
Potter, P. E. & Pettijohn, F. J.
Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis, 1977, , Vol 1
Pages 1 - 425 , Total Record: 46
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #5682
[Rec № 423] Paleocurrents and basin analysis
Potter, P. E. & Pettijohn, F. J.
Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis, 1977, , Vol 1
Pages 1 - 425 , Total Record: 46
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #5683
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5684
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5685
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5686
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5687
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5688
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5689
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5690
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5691
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5692
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5693
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5694
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5695
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5696
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5697
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5698
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5699
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #5700
[Rec № 693] Early Permian (Rotliegendes) paleowinds of the North Sea
Glennie, K. W.
Sed. Geol., 1982, , Vol 34
Pages 245 - 265 , Total Record: 19
Great BritainCarbonifero-Permian26942Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView