Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 3,601-3,700 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
3601 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
3602 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
3603 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
3604 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
3605 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
3606 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43623Europeanmarine shallowimbricationconglomerateMeteora ConglomerateView
Data RefID #3607
[Rec № 596] Provenance changes for arenaceous formations of the northern Appennines, Italy
Valloni, R. & Zuffa, G.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1984, , Vol 95
Pages 1035 - 1039 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanUpper Oligocene43613Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesPetrignacolaView
3608 EuropeanUpper Oligocene43610Europeanmarine generalcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3609
[Rec № 991] Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basins
Stanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 287 - 340 , Total Record: 5
EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAnnot SandstoneView
Data RefID #3610
[Rec № 991] Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basins
Stanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 287 - 340 , Total Record: 5
EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAnnot SandstoneView
Data RefID #3611
[Rec № 991] Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basins
Stanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 287 - 340 , Total Record: 5
EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAnnot SandstoneView
Data RefID #3612
[Rec № 991] Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basins
Stanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 287 - 340 , Total Record: 5
EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAnnot SandstoneView
Data RefID #3613
[Rec № 991] Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basins
Stanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1972, , Vol 16
Pages 287 - 340 , Total Record: 5
EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneAnnot SandstoneView
3614 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3615 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3616 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3617 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3618 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3619 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3620 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3621 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3622 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3623 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine deepflute/groovessandstoneView
3624 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
3625 EuropeanLower Oligocene43113Europeanmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
3626 EuropeanLower Oligocene43112Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesDukla 2View
Data RefID #3627
[Rec № 294] Les plissements du Tertiaire supérieur belge
Stainier, X.
Bull. Soc. Belge de Ge’al,, 1929, , Vol 37
Pages 149 - 198 , Total Record: 1
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110EuropeanalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #3628
[Rec № 298] Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbidites
Angelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel
Geol. Romana, 1967, , Vol 6
Pages 345 - 420 , Total Record: 7
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3629
[Rec № 298] Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbidites
Angelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel
Geol. Romana, 1967, , Vol 6
Pages 345 - 420 , Total Record: 7
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3630
[Rec № 298] Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbidites
Angelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel
Geol. Romana, 1967, , Vol 6
Pages 345 - 420 , Total Record: 7
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3631
[Rec № 298] Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbidites
Angelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel
Geol. Romana, 1967, , Vol 6
Pages 345 - 420 , Total Record: 7
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3632
[Rec № 384] Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbidites
Angelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel
Geol. Romana, 1967, , Vol 6
Pages 345 - 420 , Total Record: 11
EuropeanLower Oligocene43110Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesView
3633 EuropeanOligocene43021Europeanmarine deepripple markssiltstone or turbiditesMacignoView
3634 EuropeanOligocene43021Europeanmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesMacignoView
Data RefID #3635
[Rec № 322] Tectonic utility of oriented resedimentation structures
Ten Haaf, E.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1957, , Vol 19
Pages 33 - 35 , Total Record: 2
EuropeanOligocene43021Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3636
[Rec № 655] Correlation of sedimentary fabric and sole marks as current indicators in turbidites
Sestini, G. & Pranzini, G.
J. Sed. Pet., 1965, , Vol 35
Pages 100 - 108 , Total Record: 1
EuropeanOligocene43021Europeanmarine deepsole markssandstoneView
Data RefID #3637
[Rec № 321] Problems concerning source and transportation of flysch sediments
Kuenen, H.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1958, , Vol 20
Pages 329 - 339 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3638
[Rec № 321] Problems concerning source and transportation of flysch sediments
Kuenen, H.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1958, , Vol 20
Pages 329 - 339 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deepcrossbeddingsiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3639
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3640
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3641
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3642
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3643
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3644
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3645
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3646
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3647
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3648
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3649
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3650
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3651
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3652
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3653
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3654
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3655
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3656
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3657
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3658
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3659
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3660
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3661
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3662
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3663
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3664
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3665
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3666
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3667
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3668
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3669
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3670
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3671
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3672
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3673
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3674
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3675
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3676
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3677
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3678
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3679
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3680
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3681
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3682
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3683
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3684
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3685
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3686
[Rec № 979] Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountains
Dzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1959, , Vol 70
Pages 1089 - 1118 , Total Record: 96
EuropeanOligocene43020Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneKrosno Beds 2View
Data RefID #3687
[Rec № 352] Facies ed interpretazione paleoambientale delle arenarie di Ranzano nei dintorni di Specchio (Val Pessola, Appennino Parmense)
Ghibaudo, G. & Muttil, E.
Mem. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1973, , Vol 12
Pages 251 - 265 , Total Record: 1
EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42954Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #3688
[Rec № 967] Examples of ancient deep-sea fan deposits from Circum-Mediterranean Geosynclines
Mutti, E.
Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ., 1974, , Vol 19
Pages 92 - 105 , Total Record: 10
EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42954Europeanmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Ranzano SandstoView
3689 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42954Europeanmarine deepfossil orientationcarbonate sandRanzanoView
3690 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SynclineView
3691 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SynclineView
3692 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SynclineView
Data RefID #3693
[Rec № 847] Some data on turbidites from the Alpes Maritimes (France)
Bouma, A. H.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1959, , Vol 38
Pages 223 - 227 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deepturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SandstoneView
Data RefID #3694
[Rec № 847] Some data on turbidites from the Alpes Maritimes (France)
Bouma, A. H.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1959, , Vol 38
Pages 223 - 227 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SandstoneView
Data RefID #3695
[Rec № 847] Some data on turbidites from the Alpes Maritimes (France)
Bouma, A. H.
Geol. Mijnbouw, 1959, , Vol 38
Pages 223 - 227 , Total Record: 3
EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42941Europeanmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesPeira-Cava SandstoneView
3696 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42924Europeanmarine shallowflute/groovessandstoneTaveyannazView
3697 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42924Europeanmarine shallowflute/groovessandstoneTaveyannazView
3698 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42924Europeanmarine shallowflute/groovessandstoneTaveyannazView
3699 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42924Europeanmarine shallowflute/groovessandstoneTaveyannazView
3700 EuropeanEocene-Oligocene42924Europeanmarine shallowflute/groovessandstoneTaveyannazView